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USAWE Highlights
Emily Gill: USAWE Platinum Lifetime Medal
Emily has met the qualification criteria at the Masters Level to be awarded anUSAWE Platinum Lifetime Medal.If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It Emily Gill and her Morgan Pirouette to Platinum By Virginia...
Fun with Fjords
REGION 5 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT March 16th 2024, Mon Cheval Training Center (Cannon Falls, MN) hosted The Midwest Fjord Horse Club ( This meeting included a 2-hour clinic on Working...
USAWE Member’s Horse Immortalized as Breyer Model
She can finally share her secret! Breyer has immortalized Jill Barron’s horse, Cossaco, as a model ambassador of Working Equitation By Virginia Aulin Jill Barron is living every little girl’s...
USAWE Member Spotlights
AO Spotlight August 2024
Cy-Hawk Working Equitation Association is an Affiliate Organization in Iowa (Region 5). Iowa people are very supportive of their college sports, so...
Emily Gill: USAWE Platinum Lifetime Medal
Emily has met the qualification criteria at the Masters Level to be awarded anUSAWE Platinum Lifetime Medal.If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It Emily Gill...
Barbara Price
Play time with Barbara's main mare Coqueta AK (PRE)She’s BACK! Barbara Price has her USAWE R judge license again and is looking forward to getting...
USAWE eNews (Newsletters)
International Committee Update July 2024
The USAWE would like to share the next step in our partnership with the World Association for Working Equitation (WAWE). USAWE has been approved to hold its first American International Competition...
February 2024 E-News
Download the latest edition of the USAWE Newsletter Back by popular demand - the complete USAWE Newsletter in one place. The complete eNews will be emailed around the 20th of each month and posted...
January 2024 E-News
Download the latest edition of the USAWE Newsletter Back by popular demand - the complete USAWE Newsletter in one place. The complete eNews will be emailed around the 20th of each month and posted...
WE Photos & Videos
Do you have any outstanding photographs or videos of Working Equitation you’d like to share? Submit them here.
Selected photos/videos will be featured on the USAWE website, used in USAWE marketing, and used by USAWE for educational purposes.
Photographer/videographer credit will be featured on the USAWE website, and whenever it is used in USAWE marketing and education.
USAWE will link to your professional website and Social Media presence when using your photo/video if you have provided these.
- You must own the rights to publish the photos/videos submitted.
- You grant USAWE the right to use photos/videos submitted for advertising, marketing, education, and on its website in exchange for credit when used.
- You grant USAWE the right to edit, crop, or alter the submitted photos/videos at their discretion.
- Photos/videos submitted must depict equines competing in Working Equitation in the United States or be of Working Equitation events or participants in the U.S. at the time of the photo/video.
- File name of photos/videos submitted must include first and last name of rider, date taken, and photographer/videographer credit.
Questions? Email or