Affiliate Organizations

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e

Affiliate Organizations

Local groups are an important part of our community, helping people learn about Working Equitation and organizing WE events. USAWE offers independent local organizations involved in WE the opportunity to be officially recognized as USAWE Affiliate Organizations.


Affiliate Organizations by Region

USAWE Recognized Affiliate Organizations are grouped according to region.

USAWE Affiliate Organization Logo

Click the Region buttons to see AO listings

Affiliate Organizations Nationally

Nationally: 62 Recognized AOs

Region 1: 13 AOs

Region 2: 9 AOs

Region 3: 4 AOs

Region 4: 5 AOs

Region 5: 11 AOs

Region 6: 12 AOs

Region 7: 8 AOs

Apply for AO Recognition

Thanks for wanting to step up and help Working Equitation grow locally!

Affiliate Organization Annual Registration Fee


We are updating our enrollment process.

You can apply to be a USAWE Affiliate Organization as soon as we are done.

Please check back on January 1st.

Note: Chrome browsers tend to work best for payment processing.  Safari browser is recommended on iPhones.

If you are having problems with remitting payment, please contact for assistance.


Affiliate Organization applications must include payment and required documents for processing.

USAWE Member Designated Funds (MDFs)

At the end of each membership year, adult members of USAWE are given the option to designate $5 from their USAWE membership dues to an Affiliate Organization of their choice or to the USAWE Youth Development Program.  Designations are selected on the annual election of officers ballot emailed out in November.

Affiliate Organization Resources

Update Your AO Information

Let us know if you need changes made to your Affiliate Organization information. There is no cost for this.

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