USAWE Recorded Horses

USAWE Recorded Horses

USAWE keeps a Recorded Horses list to assist in show management, awards tracking, and as a historical reference.


Record Your Horse

Lifetime USAWE Horse Recording


USAWE Horse Recording is required of all mounts before competing in any USAWE Licensed Competition (with a one-week post-show ‘grace’ period to resolve pre-show processing issues).

To record your horse, please click the button below.

~ If you are recording more than one horse, repeat this process for each horse.

~ If your horse is registered, please be prepared to upload your breed registration documents in the application form.

Note:  If you are transferring horse ownership on a horse already recorded, please scroll down for instructions.

Once your payment and documentation have been confirmed, your horse recording will be processed within 2-3 business days. 

USAWE horse recording is valid for the LIFETIME of the horse.

Horse recordings are transferable upon the sale of the horse.  If you are transferring horse ownership on a horse already recorded, please click the button below to make changes to a recorded horse.

Questions?  Email:

Note: Chrome browsers tend to work best for payment processing.  Safari browser is recommended on iPhones.

If you are having problems with remitting payment, please contact the Secretary ( and request to be invoiced.  Thank you.

Horse Recording applications will not be processed without payment.

Recorded Horse Changes

To request a change (transfer of ownership, retired or deceased equine), please click the button below to submit a Horse Recording Change Request.  There is no cost for this.

USAWE Recorded Horses

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