
USAWE Championships

Everyone has a great time at a USAWE Championship show!  These events are so much more than a competition. They are a celebration with friends of a successful showing season; they are a place to make new friends; they are filled with special things not seen at the regular licensed shows; and so much more!

Whether you are showing at the Introductory Level, the Masters Level, or anywhere in between, you will not want to miss showing at a USAWE Championship show if you’ve got the scores to qualify.  Bring your friends and family, too!  There’s always lots to look forward to at a Championship show.


How to Qualify

How does a horse-rider pair qualify to compete in a zone championship show?

To be eligible to compete, a horse-rider pair must:

    • Earn a combined average of 58% or higher in Dressage and EOH (L1-L7)
    • Successfully complete the Speed trial (L2-L7) at a minimum of two USAWE licensed shows within a specific performance level.
    • At least one of the scores must be earned during the current competition year.
    • For 2024, the second score may be earned in the current competition year or may be carried over from the immediate previous calendar year. 
    • Both scores must be earned within the specific performance level.   
    • If the Horse-Rider pair has moved up a performance level, two qualifying scores must be earned at that new performance level.
    • If the Horse-Rider pair hasn’t yet earned their two qualifying scores at the higher level, they remain eligible to compete at the lower level in the championship shows.

See examples of qualifying scenarios here. 

Qualified Scores

The table below is used to track Horse-Rider pairs as they earn their scores and qualify to compete at the Zone Championships.

Names that appear in Bold Blue font indicate that the rider/horse team has qualified to compete in the 2024 Zone Championships at the level displayed.

Please Note: Results from each show are typically posted within 2 weeks of final receipt of all forms, fees, and results from the show, which means posting can take a month or more from the show date itself.

If you do not see a qualified score you believe should be listed or see a mistake in a recording, please email

Search the table on a computer by selecting the tab at the bottom, clicking anywhere in the table and then using the “search” or “find” option on your browser.

To search quickly within a web page (“Find In Page”), first open the page you’d like to search in your favorite web browser. Press Ctrl+F (on Windows PC, Chromebook, or Linux system), or Command+F (on a Mac) on the keyboard. The “F” stands for “Find,” and it works in every browser. If you’re using Google Chrome, a search bubble will appear in the upper-right corner of the window.

Youth Scholarships

Youth Scholarships are available to provide financial support to those youth (17 years and under) who might not be able to afford to participate in a Zone Championship.

Championships Beginning in 2025


Regional or multi-regional championship shows will be held beginning in 2025.


Show organizers who want to hold a regional championship show must prepare a Championship Show Proposal that outlines their show plan and capabilities.

    • Proposals must be submitted no later than May 31 of the year prior to the show (for example: bids for regional or multi-regional championship shows in 2025 must be submitted by May 31, 2024).
    • Late bids will only be considered after the deadline if no other bids were received before the deadline for that region. The late proposals are approved on a first-come first-served basis.
    • See the Competitions Manual, Section 9

USAWE Regions Map

Regional Championship shows may be held in each of the following U.S. regions.

Regional championships may be combined into multi-regional championships of up to three contiguous regions.

Region 1

  • Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.

Region 2

  • California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii, and U.S. territories in the Pacific.

Region 3

  • Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado.

Region 4

  • New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Region 5

  • Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky.

Region 6

  • New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Region 7

  • Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and US territories in the Atlantic.

How to Qualify in 2025

How does a horse-rider pair qualify to compete in a Regional Championship show?

Only USAWE current members are eligible to compete in a championship show.

A horse-rider pair must earn a combined average of 58% or higher in Dressage and EOH (L1-L7) and successfully complete the Speed trial (L2-L7) at two USAWE-licensed shows, at least one of which has to be in the region in which the rider plans to compete. Riders may compete in more than one region. 

The qualifying period is Jan 1 of the year preceding the Regional Championships through the entry deadline for the championship show.

    • Only one score can be earned from the year preceding the championship show.
    • The other score(s) must be from the same year as the championship show.

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