Award Programs
USAWE Award Programs
USAWE recognizes the performance achievements of horses and riders who compete in USAWE licensed Working Equitation competitions held in the United States and our International members who compete under USAWE licensed judges.
The goals of our Award Programs include promoting the sport, encouraging horse and rider development, and honoring the incredible partnerships between Working Equitation horses and riders.
- Learn all about National & Regional Standings Details.
- Check your standing on the USAWE Leader Boards.
- Find out more about National Top 2 Standings.
- Read about Regional Top 2 Standings.
- Understand how National High Point Youth scores are counted.
- See what USAWE offers for National High Point Breed Performace Awards.
- Look up our current High Point Breed Award Sponsors and Winners.
- Get the details on Lifetime Rider Medals.
- See who has been Awarded Lifetime Rider Medals.
- Curious about where you stand? Check the Lifetime Rider Medal Tracking table.
- Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions about awards.
National & Regional Standings Details
The National and Regional Leaderboard Points are based on (Dressage trial and Ease of Handling trial Average % – converted to points using the “advancement points” criteria) + Speed trial points + (Cattle trial points earned, if any) during each show season’s licensed shows held Jan. 1 – Dec. 31 to rider/horse pairs with active USAWE Individual Membership and ridden on an equine recorded with USAWE.
National Leaderboard points are based on points earned at any licensed show, regardless of where it is held.
Regional Leaderboard points are based on the region where a licensed competition is held.
“Not ranked yet” means the rider-horse pair haven’t met the criteria for ranking (scores must come from a minimum of two different judges at a minimum of two different licensed competitions). For a score to count, the average of dressage/EOH must be at least 57.5%, with no DQ in speed (for L2 and above).
Horse/Rider Pair standings are capped with the Top 4 show scores/points. Horse/Riders may compete in as many shows as they desire; however, only the Top 4 show scores/placings (from at least two different judges) will be used to determine Leaderboard standings.
Ties are broken at the end of the season using the sum of a Horse/Rider Pair’s Dressage & EOH percentages earned at the shows where they earned their Leaderboard scores.
The Cattle trial is optional for L2-L7, with individual horse/rider pair Leaderboard points earned if successfully completed. An individual horse/rider pair’s unsuccessful Cattle trial will not impact points earned in successfully completing Dressage, EOH and Speed trials.

Points accumulate for each year’s awards programs from January 1 – December 31 and are based on horse/rider pairs’ performance. To earn points toward year-end awards, the horse must be recorded with USAWE and the rider must be a current USAWE member before the completion of the competition where the points were earned (with a one-week post-show ‘grace’ period to resolve pre-show processing issues). For the performance to count, horse/rider pairs must successfully complete each trial offered without disqualifying (exception: failure to successfully complete the cattle trial if offered shall not impact points earned).
Points are based on scores (Average Dressage & EOH) and placings (Speed & Cow), converted to points.
Horse/rider pairs may compete in as many shows as they want; however, only their best 4 show scores/placings will be used to determine year-end Leaderboard standings. Horse rankings (used for high point breed awards) accumulate points at all licensed competitions in which the horse competes during the season.

Speed Trial (L2-L7)
For Performance Levels (L2-L7), successful Speed Trial horse/rider pairs (regardless of # of entries) without disqualifying (DQ), will earn points for placing without disqualifying using the conversion chart.
Cattle Trial (L2-L7) – Optional
For Performance Levels (L2-L7), successful Cattle Trial horse/rider pairs (regardless of # of entries) without disqualifying (DQ), will earn individual points for their individual (not team) placing using the conversion chart.
Horse/Rider pairs can accrue a maximum of 10 points per licensed competition if competing in four trials – (L2-L7) Dressage, EOH, Speed & Cattle; 8.5 points if competing in three trials – (L2-L7) Dressage, EOH and Speed; or 7 points if competing in two trials – (L1) Dressage and EOH.
Leader Boards
Important changes effective 1/1/2024 for awards and recognition earned in 2024
The Regional Leaderboard awards will honor the top two horse/rider pairs in each rider division (Open, Amateur, Youth) and Level (L1-L7), rather than the top three as in previous years.
There will be a name change of the recognition given to the top two National and Regional Leaderboard horse/rider pairs at each level (L1-L7) and in each rider division (Open, Amateur, Youth) from “National or Regional #1” and “National or Regional #2” to “National Leaderboard Champion [level][division]”, “National Leaderboard Reserve Champion [level][division]”, and “Regional Leaderboard Champion [level][division]”, “Regional Leaderboard Reserve Champion [level][division]”.
- Year-end National Leaderboard: Top two horse/rider pairs in the following competition categories: Youth (7-17 years), Amateur, and Open. Horse/Rider Pair standings will be capped with the Top 4 show scores/points
- Year-end Regional Leaderboard: Top two horse/rider pairs in the following competition categories: Youth (7-17 years), Amateur, and Open. Horse/Rider Pair standings will be capped with the Top 4 show scores/points.
National Top 2 Standings
National Leaderboard Recognition will include website leaderboard ranking, USAWE Highlights Blog article, and Facebook announcements.
In addition, USAWE will recognize National #1 and National #2 High Point Horse/Rider Pair Champion/Reserve in each Performance Level in which there are qualifying competitors (Introductory through Masters) in the Youth, Amateur, and Open divisions.
Each National #1 Champion and National #2 Reserve High Point Horse/Rider Pair will receive a beautiful rosette ribbon and one personalized USAWE branded embroidered item selected by the recipient from provided options (i.e., vest, jacket, sweatshirt, etc.).
Regional Top 2 Standings
Regional Leaderboard recognition (starting with the 2024 competition year) will include a Regional Top Two embroidered patch and Champion and Reserve Champion Regional High Point rosette ribbons , website leaderboard ranking, USAWE Highlights Blog article, and Facebook announcements.
National High Point Youth (7-17 years)
National Leaderboard points earned at all licensed USAWE shows will count toward this award, regardless of whether points are earned in a class specifically set up for Youth (7-17 years), or are earned while riding against adults. All points earned during the show season (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) will count.
The winner is the Youth (7-17 years) USAWE member who earns the most points in the competition year. Youth (7-17 years) can accumulate Leaderboard points toward the National High Point Youth (7-17 years) Award on multiple horses.
National High Point Breed Performance Awards
National High Point Breed Award recipients will be the highest-scoring equine within a sponsored breed (per award sponsorship criteria) across all divisions and all levels based on points earned during the show season (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31).
Breed Awards are based on the points accumulated during the competition year, regardless of rider/level. Sponsors may impose additional criteria to qualify for the award they sponsor.
Annual sponsorships cost just $40 and help to encourage people to participate in the sport.
High Point Breed Awards Sponsors & Winners
Lifetime Rider Medals
USAWE offers Lifetime Rider Medal awards to recognize the achievements of our members as they move through the different levels of competition. Rider medals are based on the rider’s score, irrespective of horse. There is no time limit for the accrual of scores. Scores are only eligible if the rider successfully completed all trials without disqualifying (DQ) in the competition in which the score was earned. Contact for more information.
The Lifetime Rider Medal awards tracking sheet is updated periodically throughout the year.
To earn a Pewter Medal, a rider must earn a total of 8 qualifying scores in Introductory Level classes. Those scores must include:
(4) scores 60% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores 65% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
Of the qualifying scores, at least four (4) must be earned when competing under an “R”, “S”, or WAWE judge.
To earn a Bronze Medal, a rider must earn a total of 8 qualifying scores in Novice Level classes. Those scores must include:
(4) scores 60% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores 65% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores (minimum) must be earned in L3 Novice B
Of the qualifying scores, at least four (4) must be earned when competing under an “R”, “S”, or WAWE judge.
To earn a Silver Medal, a rider must earn a total of 8 qualifying scores in Intermediate Level classes. Those scores must include:
(4) scores 60% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores 65% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores must be earned in L5 – Intermediate B
Of the qualifying scores, at least four (4) must be earned when competing under an “R”, “S”, or WAWE judge.
To earn a Gold Medal, a rider must earn a total of 8 qualifying scores in Advanced Level classes.
Those scores must include:
(4) scores 60% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores 65% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
All qualifying scores must be earned when competing under an “R”, “S”, or WAWE judge.
To earn a Platinum Medal, a rider must earn a total of 8 qualifying scores in Masters Level classes. Those scores must include:
(4) scores 60% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
(4) scores 65% or higher (Dressage/EOH % averaged)
All qualifying scores must be earned when competing under an “R”, “S”, or WAWE judge.
Awarded Lifetime Rider Medals
Lifetime Rider Medal Tracking
Awards FAQ
How do I earn points towards awards?
- The show must be fully licensed (not provisional) before the competition starts.
- The rider must be a current USAWE Member, and the mount must be recorded with USAWE before competing in any USAWE-recognized competition (with a one-week post-show ‘grace’ period to resolve pre-show processing issues).
- Show managers must submit the competition results within one week following the competition and all show fees and required post-show reports must be submitted within two weeks.
How do I determine my competition division?
Youth Division in competition is age-restricted. Youth competitors must be between the ages of 7 and 17 (as of January 1st). Junior [also called “Youth (7-17 years)”] members may compete in Youth, Amateur, or Open Division (per U.S. Rules for Working Equitation > Appendix G, Rider Division Policy; however, their leaderboard points from each competition will correspond to the division they showed in at that competition.
Amateur Division in competition is not age-restricted. Members qualify as Amateur according to USAWE Rider Division Policy Professional/Amateur Status and must be listed as Amateur on the USAWE Current Member list.
Open Division in competition is not age-restricted. Members who qualify as Professionals according to USAWE Rider Division Policy Professional/Amateur Status must compete in the Open Division (per U.S. Rules for Working Equitation > Appendix G, Rider Division Policy). As an Open competitor, their Open show results will be used in the Open USAWE Awards Programs.