Membership Committee
- Current number of USAWE members: 567
- Number of recorded horses: 2912
How Does An Annual Membership Designation Impact Licensed Show Entries & The Annual Awards Programs?
Youth Membership is for Youth (7-17 yrs. old as of January 1 of the calendar). Youth are encouraged to join or renew as a Youth USAWE member to take advantage of several perks – FREE Youth membership, Youth Scholarship eligibility, Youth National and Regional Leaderboard Awards, Youth High Point Year End Award and special youth activities/events planned by the USAWE Youth Development Committee. Youth members may compete in Youth, Amateur or Open Division (per U.S. Rules for Working Equitation > 1.3 Rider Divisions); however, their leaderboard points from each competition will correspond to the division they showed in at that competition.
Amateur Membership is not age restricted. Members must comply with USEF Rule GR1306 Professional/Amateur Status. Amateur members may compete in Amateur or Open Division (per U.S. Rules for Working Equitation > 1.3 Rider Divisions); however, their leaderboard points from each competition will correspond to the division they showed in at that competition.
Open Membership is not age restricted. Members must compete in the Open Division (per U.S. Rules for Working Equitation > 1.3 Rider Divisions). As an Open member, their Open show results will be used in the Open USAWE Awards Programs.
By: Olga Hendrickson, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee
3 Zone Championships
- Central Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)
- Western Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)
- Eastern Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)
92 Licensed Shows (14 include Cattle Trial)
6 Canceled Shows
115 Total License Requests
43 Manual Excel and 72 GIRA Show Results
Visit HERE for a list of licensed shows. The shows are listed in date order and include show’s License# (or indicates Provisional if not fully licensed yet), Date(s), Location, Contact name, Contact email address, Region, Judge (with his/her accreditation) and Technical Delegate. This information is helpful for competitors working on scores towards Lifetime Rider Medals and/or judges, scores and points for the Regional/National Leaderboards.
Show Organizers – the Competitions Manual and Entry Form (sample) were both updated to include riders must designate the level and division in which they want to compete on the entry form:
• Youth riders may show in Youth, Amateur, or Open
• Amateur riders may show in Amateur or Open
• Open riders must show in the Open division
Leaderboard points will be reported according to the level/division shown. Shows may opt to award prizes solely by level (rather than split by division) to save on prize-related expenses; however, show management should make it clear to competitors that those placings do not reflect what the actual reported results may be. Download both HERE under Links and Downloadable Forms.
Verify your 2022 USAWE Membership and Horse Recording Information
Riders – Please take a moment to verify your 2022 membership#, membership status and membership division (Youth, Amateur, Open) by clicking HERE list so you’re all set for the 2022 show season. Contact the Membership Committee at if there are any discrepancies.
Riders/Horse Owners – Please take a moment to verify your horse’s recording #, breed, breed registry and horse ownership by clicking HERE list so your horse-rider pair is ready for the 2022 show season. Contact the Membership Committee at if there are any discrepancies.
The three Championship Evaluation Committees (composed of Regional Directors (R1-R7) and Competition Committee members) are pleased to announce there will be a Zone Championship, licensed show and Cattle trial held in each of the USAWE Zones for 2022!!! — Eastern, Central and Western. Four proposals were submitted, reviewed, ranked and three were approved by the Board of Directors. CLICK HERE for more information.
Congratulations to:
- Eastern Zone – November 3-6, 2022 to be held at the Three Bulls LLC, Bulls Gap TN, hosted by the Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club (ERAHC)
- Central Zone – October 20-23, 2022 to be held at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson KS, collaboratively organized by show organizers from Region 3, Region 4 and Region 5
- Western Zone – December 8-11, 2022 to be held at WestWorld – Scottsdale AZ, organized by the Arizona Working Equitation Club (AZWEC), a USAWE Affiliate Organization
To be eligible to compete, a horse-rider pair must earn a combined average of 58% or higher in Dressage and EOH (L1-L7) and successfully complete the Speed trial (L2-L7) at a minimum of two licensed shows. At least one of the scores must be earned during the current 2022 competition year. The qualifying period is December 1, 2020 of the previous 2021 competition year through the show entry deadline for the zone championship show in the current year. Horse-rider pairs may compete in any or all zone championships, regardless of where the qualifying scores are achieved. A list of 2021 Qualified Scores and the 2022 Qualified Scores by horse-rider pairs who earned qualifying scores by division and performance level are located HERE.
By: Kris Blacklock, Jeanne Bond, Sue Watkins
Licensed Officials Committee
Many of the LOC’s accomplishments in 2021 were created in response to the need for creating virtual learning opportunities in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Created Licensed Officials test to license all judges and technical delegates in preparation for the inaugural competition season of USAWE
- Created training modules for online education
- Held Hot Topics seminars in the spring and the fall to highlight problem areas in competitions and changes in the rule book
- Held two online seminars with WAWE judges, Antonio Vicente and Claudia Matos
- Created Working Equitation Educational Resource Center (WEERC) website (in Beta testing phase) to allow greater storage of LOC training materials and to facilitate on line-testing and record keeping
- LOC Newsletters to all LOs periodically throughout the year to keep everyone abreast of developments and issues experiences at competitions
- Advanced 38 Provisional Technical Delegates to Technical Delegate status through virtual training sessions
- Revised and updated Rules test – annual event
The LOC is focused on creating educational opportunities for our LOs. The relaxation of COVID restrictions will allow resumption of in-person education for the LOs. In the coming year we plan to:
- Streamline the LOC application process and paperwork
- Finetune the LO Program
- Design and produce in-person seminars
- Debut Remote Silent Judging by utilizing one way headsets for LOs to listen to judging from the side of the ring in real time
- Hold Hot Topics Seminars
- Update the LOC section of the USAWE website
- Accumulate videos and create modules for the Working Equitation Educational Resource Center (WEERC) website. Revise, update and conduct the 2022 Rules test via the WEERC website.
And, what would you like to see? Please send comments and suggestions to,
By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs
Affiliate Organizations Program
USAWE Affiliate Organizations (AOs) are made of individuals and groups of people who are taking that extra step of commitment to the national organization and the sport. AOs are often the ones who organize and host Working Equitation events at the local community level. They frequently pull people across multiple equine disciplines together, and serve as ambassadors of the genuine partnership that is the core of what Working Equitation is all about. Affiliate Organizations expressly represent and support USAWE, and play an important role in the growth of the sport in the United States.
USAWE now has #39; Affiliate Organizations actively supporting the promotion of the sport of Working Equitation at the local level. You can see their listings by state, including contact information and short descriptions here: AO listings. Check out all their great logos!
We had our first AO Quarterly Networking Hour for 2022 last month. At this Zoom get-together, the AO leaders and teams shared pictures showing construction design ideas for some of the obstacles. We also discussed calendar planning strategies. Friendships and connections are growing within the AOs as a community through these meetings. It is a great perk of the USAWE AO Program. The AO Quarterly Networking Hour is the second Tuesday in January, April, July and October. Reminders and meeting invites are automatically sent to all AOs.
An ad hoc team of AO leaders and others are working on developing some resources specifically targeted to support the AO Program. The new materials should be ready for Board review and approval at the end of March, and roll-out to the AOs at the April Networking Hour. Huge thanks to the ladies who are volunteering some hours and expertise to getting some of these much-needed projects completed.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what it takes to become an Affiliate Organization. I’d love to help you with that.
By Kristine Strasburger, Affliliate Organizations Program Director, (208) 818-0400,
Coaches Network
Region 1
Trisha Kiefer-Reed of Wolf Creek, MT*
Region 2
Polly Limond of San Diego, CA
Sue Watkins of Riverside, CA
Region 3
Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO
Region 5
Emily Kemp of Newton, WI
Michelle Lackey of Medina, OH*
Erica Peet of Wonder Lake, IL
Region 6
Stephanie Hayes of Johnson, VT
*Welcome to our newest recognized coaches!
To learn more about our coaches or how to become a coach visit:
Susan Watkins of Riverside, CA
What inspires you to be a Working Equitation coach?
“My love of the sport! How fulfilling it is to quickly bring confidence and quality horsemanship to the greenest of riders. Balancing a proper foundation while challenging growth.”
What is your favorite obstacle? Why?
“The bull line/garrocha. It shows the unity and confidence of horse and rider and their ability to do a job while riding one handed. Identifies the sport of WE. Requires specific focused training.”
What is your best tip for competitors heading into the show ring?
“Focus on what is needed for the level entered. Don’t try to learn everything about every level. Don’t be afraid of the Speed class, it is only you against yourself, not you against the world. HAVE FUN.”
What is your favorite trick for remembering WE courses?
“Memorize the words first to last and last to first. Then during the walk thru be sure to study the arena/course as you will see it from the back of your horse, not walking looking down at the map.”
Your all time favorite WE horse?
“I could not single out one I have rode, my Kiger Stallion ‘Dime’ has been on this journey for the longest, has worked the hardest and won the most.”
What would your students say is your catchphrase?
“1.) Situational awareness and the ability to adjust. 2.) Consider the horse.”
What non-equestrian activities do you love to do?
“Previously I did archery, gardening, movie animal training, and other hobbies.”
Thanks for the great information, Sue! Learn more about Sue and all our coaches at:
Check back next month to learn about our next featured coach from our diverse network!
By: Kat Waters, Coaches Network Committee Member
Marketing Committee
The many parts of the Marketing/Communications committee is moving forward with no problems. All aspects of keeping the association informed, is updated and produced in a timely manner. We have a monthly newsletter and website that continues to improve and get updated as USAWE advances. The Competitions Committee, and the rest of the volunteers working on the Events portion of the website manually design the page with info and Images. The Social Media sub-committee creates posts that are engaging and encourage interaction on Facebook and other social platforms. These post help keep the USA Working Equitation Facebook posts popping up in everyones news feeds. The association could not move forward without the tireless work of these dedicated individuals, and I am so glad they have all taken on the challenge of producing such wonderful products.
If you would like to be involved or would just like to chat, please feel free to call me.