The Board of Directors (BOD) virtual meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place via Zoom. All USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend as a silent participant. Please contact Secretary Kris Blacklock ( at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting if you would like the Zoom meeting […]
2+ days of Dressage, EOH, ride-a-test, interactive auditing, shadow judge and scribe to train your eye. Clinic is filled but taking a wait list.Contact Stephanie Hayes at Auditors welcomed and encouraged to attend.
Come join us for a three-phase WE show on Saturday (Dressage, Ease of Handling, & Speed) and then stay over to learn the new WE Dressage tests from Polly Limond, one of the "Senior" Judges who created them! These are the dressage tests that we'll be using starting with our January 2023 show, so this […]
Join USAWE Coach Jessica Mosbaugh as we explore the Ease of Handling (obstacle) phase of Working Equitation. Working Equitation is an exciting new international sport that combines a dressage test with obstacles (Ease of Handling), obstacles at Speed, and Cattle. It is open to all breeds and, all levels of riders, and all riding disciplines.