NJ: (25-031) WE East at Dream Park #1
Dream Park Logan Township, NJ, United StatesJudge: Polly Limond, "S"
Judge: Polly Limond, "S"
Judge: Polly Limond, "S"
Judge: Kim Roe, "r"
Judges: Amy Star and Erica Peet
License#(s): 25-027 Show Name(s): WE Under the Big Sky July Show Show Date(s): 7/19/25 - 7/20/25 Location: Stevensville, MT Judge: Kim Roe TD: Dawn Swensson Gate Steward: Jan Harris Show Manager: Alyssa Briceland
Judge: Nicole Chastain, "S"
August 21-22 (clinic) 23-24 (show) – Judges Amy Star & Cari Schwartz To enter, fill out the online entry form at: https://forms.gle/i3UpHEdW54FXv7xG9
Judges: Barbara Price and Kim Roe
License#(s): 25-055 Show Name(s): NEWE at Gelinas Farm Show Date(s): 8/30/25 and 8/31/25 Location: Pembroke, NH Judge: Rebecca Algar TD:Deb Quillinan Gate Steward: Linda Ritzer Show Manager: Stephanie Hayes, Day Manager Elaina Enzien
Judge: Sarah Pinney
Look for more information in the spring on the USAWE website.