We are excited to have the accomplished USAWE “R” judge Amy Star coming in August to officiate our Saturday and Sunday Rated Working Equitation shows the last weekend on August. Amy is from Tucson, Arizona and has a fascinating background and competition experience to gain from! Read her bio below.
As USA WE judges are not permitted to give clinics or lessons to riders prior to a rated WE show, we have asked Amy to offer a schooling show on Friday for us to practice and prepare for the weekend rated shows. Schooling shows are very forgiving of errors and the feedback will be interactive.
Lunch is not provided this day, but the event will be followed by an SRR Member potluck. Please feel free to bring a dish and join in the food, fellowship, and fun!
This event is part of four weekends in the SRR 2023 WE series. We encourage you to check out the other WE events here and to consider taking part in them all.
~ May 20 ~ SRR Working Equitation Clinic
~ June 3 ~ SRR WE Cattle Clinic & Practice
~ June 17 ~ WE Virtual Ride a Test ~Stephanie Hayes
~ August 25 ~ WE Schooling Show ~ Amy Star
August 26 ~ WE Rated Show & Cattle Trial
August 27 ~ WE Rated Show & Cattle Trial
Amy Star grew up in Tucson AZ, riding through the desert like a wild child. She began Her horsemanship journey at the age of four with lessons, progressing to her own horse at 10 with a ravenous hunger to learn all she could about horses. The joy of riding and feeling true partnership with her horses has always been a great motivator to learn more. Amy earned a Bachelors of Equine Science and traveled to Europe to train western equitation and reining in 1992. While in Europe she was introduced to the Lusitano horse and the Portuguese riding traditions, it was very enlightening, and it was her introduction to Working Equitation.
2009 – began several collaborations to develop the sport of working equitation in the USA
2010 – IALHA National Reserve Champion Working Equitation Rider
2011 – IALHA National Champion Working Equitation Rider
2012 – 3 horses place in the top three
2018 – Silver Medalist in Brazil at the International Invitational Working Equitation competition, and her team won the Silver Medal in the team competition.
Amy has found working equitation to be very challenging and rewarding as a horseman. She hopes to inspire equestrians to enjoy their own horsemanship journeys. Amy has been involved in all organizations throughout the development in the sport and still serves on the USAWE National Rules Committee and holds an “R” Judges Card and a Technical Delegate Card. Amy is an active WE competitor and currently is enjoying the challenge of advancing her perlino Lusitano Homen Brilhante into Level 7!
WI: Sunrise Ranch WE Schooling Show with Amy Star
August 25, 2023 All Day Event The Sunrise Ranch
Thesunriseranch@gmail All Schooling Shows Region 5