WWVWE Playdays are open to all levels of WE enthusiasts. 10 am to 12 noon. We spend about an hour practicing the course, always EOH and sometimes a dressage court. There is always someone there to explain the obstacles to new folks. Then we create a course and practice the EOH and sometimes dressage tests. It is always friendly and fun. Please help set up and take down the obstacles if needed.
WA: WWVWE Playday
Event Details
Other Upcoming Events
Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting
Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting
The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form
OR: (25-001) WE Oregon Feb Clinic & Show
OR: (25-001) WE Oregon Feb Clinic & Show
February 20, 2025 - February 23, 2025 at Oregon Horse Center in
90751 Prairie Rd
Eugene, OR 97402 United States by Julie Alonzo | All Clinics, Competitions (all), Region 1
Eugene, OR 97402 United States by Julie Alonzo | All Clinics, Competitions (all), Region 1
Come join us for a 2 day WE Clinic (come for all or part) taught by Masters Level WE competitor and USAWE Platinum medalist Kimberlee Barker, followed by a two-day
Show Managers’ Tag-Up
Show Managers’ Tag-Up
A Zoom meeting for show managers to discuss the upcoming season and any questions they may have. Starting at 5 pm Pacific/6 pm Mountain / 7 pm Central / 8