Committee Reports: April 2022

Membership Committee

  • Current number of USAWE members: 712
  • Current number of Youth members: 60
  • Region 1 – 194
  • Region 2 – 177
  • Region 3 – 47
  • Region 4 – 46
  • Region 5 – 84
  • Region 6 – 97
  • Region 7 – 56
  • International – 11
  • Number of recorded horses: 2991
By: Olga Hendrickson, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

2022 USAWE LICENSED SHOWS Y-T-D (as of 4/9/22)

3 Zone Championships

  • Central Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial) *
  • Western Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial) *
  • Eastern Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial) *

99 Licensed Shows (14 include Cattle Trial) *

7 Canceled Shows

120 Total License Requests

41 Manual Excel and 79 GIRA Show Results

* There are four trials that make up a Working Equitation competition. The first three – Dressage (L1-L7), Ease of Handling (L1-L7), and Speed (L2-L7) are the mandatory trials required for a licensed Working Equitation competition. The fourth trial, Cattle (L2-L7), is optional and included when location and facilities allow. Although the Cattle trial is licensed separately, it is not considered a separate show; Horse-Rider pairs competing in the Cattle trial must successfully compete/complete Dressage, Ease of Handling and Speed before they can compete in the Cattle trial.

Visit HERE for the complete list of licensed shows.  The shows are listed in date order and include show’s License# (or indicates Provisional if not fully licensed yet), Date(s), Location, Contact name, Contact email address, Region, Judge (with his/her accreditation) and Technical Delegate.  This information is helpful for competitors working on scores towards Lifetime Rider Medals and/or judges, scores and points for the Regional/National Leaderboards.

Visit HERE for Central, Eastern and Western Zone Championship information, show sponsorship and show registration.

What’s New?

The website > Competitions > Competition Resources > Links and Downloadable Forms has been updated with several new resources developed for show organizers!

Please click HERE to view and download the following new resources

  • Entry Order – One Day Show (L1-L7) – MS Word – Sample – New!  3/24/22 – A sample Entry Order (Start List) for Show Managers
  • Licensed Official Confirmation & Contract – MS Word – Sample – New!  3/24/22 – A sample licensed official confirmation & contract 
  • Show Entries – Google Form – New!  3/24/22 – Instructions to create an online Working Equitation show entry form using Google Form
  • Show Entries – Google Form – sample – New!  3/24/22 – A sample Google Form online Working Equitation show entry form
  •  Planning Your Show Schedule – Recommended Time Allotments – New!  3/24/22 – Recommended time allotments to help Working Equitation show managers plan your show day (Entry Order, Ride Times, Breaks, Course Setup for Performance Levels, Course Walks, Protest Filings, Awards, etc.) for Dressage, EOH, Speed and Cattle trials.

Appreciation to the following member(s) who volunteered extensive time, thoughts and expertise in creating these new resources Kris Blacklock and to the members who edited the new downloadable forms:  Jeanne Bond, Adrienne Dymesich, Abigail Followwill, Linda Fraizer, Emily Kemp, Melissa Main, Jessica Mosbaugh, Terry Peiper, Breanna Sprik, Amy Star, Barbara Price, Olga Hendrickson, Christy Reich and Doreen Atkinson.

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and feedback.  Please let us know what additional resources would be beneficial. Email

By: Kris Blacklock, Jeanne Bond, Sue Watkins, Competitions Committee

Youth Scholarship Opportunity

Who: Youth Competitors planning to attend Zone Championships
What: Scholarship to cover the cost of entry fees
When: Submit application by Oct 1st
Why: USAWE Youth Committee supported by anonymous donations want to encourage and support youth at championship events. It is the intention of the scholarship to provide financial support to those youth who might not otherwise be able to afford to participate.
How: To find detailed information and apply for the scholarship, go to the USAWE website or visit:

Championship Show Youth Scholarship Procedure

What is the scholarship?
This scholarship is a Youth entry fee assistance program. Accepted youth will have their entry fees to their Zone Championship show paid to the show producer. Stalls, transportation, and other expenditures will still be the responsibility of the competitor.

Who can apply for the scholarship?
Members who are designated and verified as “Youth” competitors 17 and under.
Youth members who need entry fee assistance who would otherwise not be able to compete in the championship show.
Youth members who wish to compete at a Zone Championship in that competition year.

Who determines who gets the scholarships?
The Youth Committee will make the decisions pertaining to the youth scholarship. Things considered will be: order of received applications, and answers to essay questions. Youth entries to championship shows are not automatically given the scholarship. Application is required.
Scholarship monies will only be issued to one championship show, per applicant, per competition year.
Applicants need to submit an application by October 1st.

This scholarship is made possible by an anonymous donor.

Coaches Network

Coaches in your region:

Region 1
Trisha Kiefer-Reed of Wolf Creek, MT

Region 2
Ashley Bowers of Cave Creek, AZ
Polly Limond of San Diego, CA
Sue Watkins of Riverside, CA

Region 3                               
Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO

Region 5
Emily Kemp of Newton, WI
Michelle Lackey of Medina, OH
Erica Peet of Wonder Lake, IL

Region 6
Holly Linz of Woodbine, MD
Stephanie Hayes of Johnson, VT

To learn more about our coaches or how to become a coach visit:

Get to know a recognized USAWE Coach

Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO

What inspires you to be a Working Equitation coach?
I love teaching and love Working Equitation. WE is the best cross training we can do with our horses. Helping others improve their skill & confidence is my greatest reward.”

What is your favorite obstacle? Why?
Double Slalom is my favorite obstacle. It is an obstacle that takes straightness, flex, bend, precision and partnership to ride it with tact and gracefulness. That’s what I teach and strive for.”

What is your best tip for competitors heading into the show ring?
Don’t worry about how you do. Everyday is a new day. Ride the best you and your partner can do that day. Can’t ask for more than that!”

What is your favorite trick for remembering WE courses?
Course walk is your friend. Don’t count on the map. Things change. Walk your line a couple of times.”

Your all time favorite WE horse?

What would your students say is your catchphrase?
I have two. Open your heart. And ask and allow, never force”

What non-equestrian activities do you love to do?
Cooking, family and friends.”

Thanks for the great information, Chris! Learn more about Chris and all our coaches at:

Check back next month to learn about our next featured coach from our diverse network!

By: Coaches Network Committee Members

Licensed Officials Committee

USAWE LOC Presents Judge Seminars

Judge’s Seminar East
May 19-22, 2022
Bulls Gap, TN
Targeted for “L” and “r” judges and Licensed Officials.  Open to all for silent auditing.
Application required


Judge’s Seminar West

June 23-26, 2022
Thousand Oaks, CA
Targeted for “L” and “r” judges and Licensed Officials.  Open to all for silent auditing.
Application required
Click HERE to Apply
By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

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