AO Quarterly Networking Hour

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

AO Quarterly Networking Hour For Affiliate Organization Leaders and leadership teams - Meet other USAWE Affiliate Organization leaders, make friends, share ideas, be encouraged, and build community! This quarterly meeting is all about getting to know one another and strengthening the support you receive as an Affiliate Organization. Fourth Mondays in these months: January, April, […]

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting & Executive Session

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

The July Board of Directors (BOD) meeting moved to Wednesday July 17, 2024 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form located on the website > Corporate > Records An Executive Session will be held 6:30 pm Pacific with […]

Committees Working Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

Facilitator:  President Elect Participants: Committee Chairs, Executive Committee and Regional Directors A series of informal working sessions for committee chairs to network, connect, communicate and cooperatively share on-going projects, ideas, lessons learned, successes, frustrations and committee framework (job descriptions, recruiting, training, tasks, backup support, budget and SLAs).

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form located on the website > Corporate > Records USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend and listen but may not provide input at […]

Committees Working Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

Facilitator:  President Elect Participants: Committee Chairs, Executive Committee and Regional Directors A series of informal working sessions for committee chairs to network, connect, communicate and cooperatively share on-going projects, ideas, lessons learned, successes, frustrations and committee framework (job descriptions, recruiting, training, tasks, backup support, budget and SLAs).

Board of Director (BOD) Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form located on the website > Corporate > Records USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend and listen but may not provide input at […]

Committees Working Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

Facilitator:  President Elect Participants: Committee Chairs, Executive Committee and Regional Directors A series of informal working sessions for committee chairs to network, connect, communicate and cooperatively share on-going projects, ideas, lessons learned, successes, frustrations and committee framework (job descriptions, recruiting, training, tasks, backup support, budget and SLAs).

AO Quarterly Networking Hour

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

AO Quarterly Networking Hour For Affiliate Organization Leaders and leadership teams - Meet other USAWE Affiliate Organization leaders, make friends, share ideas, be encouraged, and build community! This quarterly meeting is all about getting to know one another and strengthening the support you receive as an Affiliate Organization. Fourth Mondays in these months: January, April, […]

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form located on the website > Corporate > Records USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend and listen but may not provide input at […]

Committees Working Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

Facilitator:  President Elect Participants: Committee Chairs, Executive Committee and Regional Directors A series of informal working sessions for committee chairs to network, connect, communicate and cooperatively share on-going projects, ideas, lessons learned, successes, frustrations and committee framework (job descriptions, recruiting, training, tasks, backup support, budget and SLAs).

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom. Submit topics for board consideration using the Board Agenda Item Request Form located on the website > Corporate > Records USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend and listen but may not provide input at […]

BOD Policy Review

Virtual Zoom Meeting , United States

Preliminary review of 1.6 Communications and 1.16 Privacy, Copyright and Website Statement

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