WE Post: R6 Jan. 2022

R6 Jan. 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Kim Hillyer

Hello Region 6 members.  Spring is only 9 more Saturdays away!  Hang in there.  I don’t know about you, but this last cold spell is brutal.  There is a lot going on this year in our region.  Please take a look at our AO’s Facebook pages and the Region 6 page to see what is going on near you.  If there isn’t anything going on near you, take a look at starting an Affiliate Organization with the USA Working Equitation organization.  It’s the best way to start Working Equitation activities near you.  There are plenty of people in the region that would love to help you get something started.  Start small with some educational meetings and then offer some play days where newbies can come and learn what Working Equitation is all about in a relaxed fun atmosphere.  Reach out to me (Kim Hillyer) for more information any time.  R6director@usawe.org

There are a lot of clinics and schooling shows on the calendar already, and the sanctioned shows are starting to get approved.  Affiliate Organizations, please be sure to have your events posted on the USAWE calendar of events for Region 6.  This is another place people can go to see what is happening around them.  https://usawe.org/events/

I want to also welcome Region 6’s newest Affiliate Organization to USAWE.  Keystone Dressage and Combined Training Association in Tyrone PA.  This is in the central/northern area of PA.  Welcome KDCTA and Stephanie Dobiss to USAWE.  https://www.facebook.com/KDCTA.ORG, www.KDCTA.org, kdcta11@gmail.com.

Keep an eye out for Eastern Zone Championship information.  It’s in the works, and as soon as the information can be made public we’ll get it out to you.  This event will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase our sport and see our riders and horses competing at the top of their game.  This event will also require many, many hours of work to make it the best our zone (region 6 and 7) has to offer.  We will be reaching out to our membership for support.  It takes a village so to speak.  I am looking forward this event.

Happy riding!

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