Mary Young
5:15-5:45 Working Equitation Demo in arena 5
WE Speed face off for charity during the Mane Event starting at 6:30 in arena 1
12-1:00 EOH clinic in arena 4
Ticket information here:
We are also looking to expand our Instagram views here in Region 2 and are interested in featuring you and your horse! Please contact me directly at or through Facebook to get on a spotlight list or nominate your favorite horse and rider pair for recognition. The best part about working eq is the beauty of the partnership between our horses and riders and I would love to showcase you!
Finally here’s a brief list of upcoming shows and clinics in our Region for May and June! Even if you aren’t competing please do get out and support your fellow members if you can, even as a cheering section. Volunteers are always needed and extremely appreciated. Do you have a friend or barn mate interested in WE? Why not encourage them to come to a show and watch or volunteer as well? We all know the USAWE members are pretty much the most wonderful people out there so lets share the love!