Volunteer Coordinator Position Description
The mission of the Volunteer Coordinator is to streamline/improve our ability to find the best possible candidates for open positions in the organization. This could be for short-term tasks for the Board of Directors, standing/temporary Committee or Clerical/Treasurer assistant assignments.
- Identify an USAWE-experienced Board member or committee member (current or former) to serve as a Volunteer Coordinator for the organization.
- Make the Volunteer Coordinator position known to all Committee and Board of Directors so that this person can be called on to assist whenever a need for additional support arises.
The Volunteer Coordinator would:
- Be familiar with the USA WE Bylaws and Policies and Procedures in order to fully understand the workings and functions of the committees.
- Consult with the Board of Directors and Committee chairs to determine their need for
- Help identify specific requirements for each position needed (job duties, skill requirements, time commitments) and assist with preparing attractive job descriptions that will encourage applicant consideration.
- Work with the Marketing & Promotions committee chair to determine the best method/timing for advertising openings.
- Review and organize volunteer ‘offers’ indicated annually on ‘Membership Request‘ applications. Use the ‘Membership Request‘ application responses and the ‘Interested in Volunteering and Serving Form (located on the usawe.org website > Corporate > Committees as the first basis for filling positions). Individually communicate with these potential volunteers as appropriate to let them know the organization appreciates their offer of support.
- Attend the monthly Committee Working Session meetings to become more familiar with the operations side of the organization.