Amy Star
First I would like to introduce myself as your new Region 2 Director, Amy Star, I live in Marana AZ where I own Western Star Ranch and I raise Lusitano horses. I currently have 4 horses competing in WE in Levels 2, 3, 6, and 7.
I LOVE Working Equitation, and I’m delighted to be representing the wonderful members of Arizona, California, Hawaii,Nevada, and Utah. I have been involved in working equitation since 2009, I’ve served in numerous capacities to help people learn about this fun inspiring horse sport over the past 15 years. I really enjoy how people develop a greater partnership with their horse while learning this intricacies of the sport and I have made so many wonderful friends in this arena.
Region 2 is a big player in the USAWE arena. We have 262 members, which represent 24% of the USAWE membership nationwide.To date in 2024, Region 2 has hosted 18 licensed competitions, one Train to Win Clinic, dozens of schooling shows and several promotional events. We have 9 Affiliate Organizations of the 62 AO’s in the USAWE. We are going strong this year and have a very bright future in WE.
I would love to hear about WE events and from members in Region 2. I sincerely wish to represent all of our members and AO’s this year. Please feel free to reach out to me at my official USAWE email address