Committee Reports: November 2022

Youth Committee

The 2022 Eastern Zone Championships are a wrap!

There were 8 entries in Youth Divisions at the Zone Championships and 4 entries in the licensed open show. 3 Youth riders also participated in the cattle trial. Novice A was the division with the most youth entries (4).

Here are the list of accomplishments to the youth riders:

Introductory Champion: Morgan Caron

Novice A Champion Mariessa Zarazua

Novice B Champion: Annaliese Rowe

Intermediate A Champion: Zoe Keller

Youth Sportsmanship award winner: Landyn Riddle

Your Youth Committee members Alex Tyson and Kasey Riddle were also at the championships competing and it was really wonderful to see the youth be able to participate at the championship show in such a stunning location. Three Bulls farm in Bulls Gap TN is a top notch facility, and it would be a wonderful privilege for USAWE to show at in the future. The youth were included in special events such as a stick horse race, a bouncy ball race, and a youth scavenger hunt where a toy bull was placed around the property and had to be found to receive a prize.

A “WE” favorite, the progressive barn party, saw different barns and groups hosting themed parties around their stall area. The ” Michigan Kids” even prepared a line dance for the event.

2022 USAWE Eastern Zone Youth Introductory Champion Morgan Caron. 

By: Alex Tyson, Youth Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

Zone Championships:

2022:  The 2022 Eastern Zone Championship just wrapped up in Bulls Gap, TN.  Thank you to all who made this show a success, the festivities looked amazing from this event!  The 2022 Western Zone Championship is just a few weeks out, scheduled for December 8-11 in Scottsdale, AZ.  Have fun Western Zone!

2023:  The 2023 Western Zone Championship will be held October 6-9 in Missoula, MT.  The 2023 Central Zone Championship will be held September 28 – October 2 in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.  More details on both will be coming over the next several months.  To date, we have not received bids for Eastern Zone and will remain open.  Bid requirements can be found here.

2023 License Requests:

The 2023 Competition Licensing Request Form is available for use and the Competitions Committee will begin processing requests December 1, 2022. 

 Please note: Cattle Trials no longer require a separate license request form. 

2023 Competitions Manual:

The Competitions Committee is currently in the process of updating the Competitions Manual based on the updated USAWE rules for 2023.  This will be updated on the website before year end. 

 Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season!

By: Competitions Committee Members

Licensed Officials Committee

The LOC would like to congratulate everyone on a great year of competitions and learning opportunities.

A few reminders:

  1. Make sure to review the revised rule book and new dressage tests for the 2023 competition season.
  2. All Licensed Officials will need to take the test of the new 2023 rules in January to maintain their licenses.  The LOC will notify all LOs when the testing window will be open.

SAVE THE DATE (Pending Board Approval)

LOC Seminar Focusing on the Ease of Handling phase.
June 15 – 18, 2023.  Woodstock, Illinois
Open to licensed officials and auditors.

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Coaches Network

Find A Coach In Your Region

Region 1
Trisha Kiefer-Reed of Wolf Creek, MT

Region 2
Ashley Bowers of Cave Creek, AZ
Tessa Nicolet of Payson, AZ
Jessica Mosbaugh of Fiddletown, CA
Polly Limond of San Diego, CA
Sue Watkins of Riverside, CA

Region 3
Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO

Region 5
Emily Kemp of Newton, WI
Michelle Lackey of Medina, OH
Erica Peet of Wonder Lake, IL

Region 6
Bree Sprik of Ancramdale, NY
Holly Linz of Woodbine, MD
Stephanie Hayes of Johnson, VT

To learn more about our coaches or how to become a coach visit:

Get To Know A Recognized USAWE Coach

Jessica Mosbaugh Panighetti, Fiddletown CA

What inspires you to be a Working Equitation Coach?

Working Equitation combines my love for correct horsemanship with obstacles and cattle work. I love bringing this discipline to others to enjoy.

What is your favorite obstacle? Why?

The Double Slalom! So many skills are required in this one obstacle. I love the rhythm and fluidity of the slalom, the bend and straightness, the power and impulsion.

What’s your best tip for competitors heading into the show ring?

Close your eyes and picture the perfect ride, from start to finish. Then take a deep breath, exhale, connect to your horse, and ride!

What’s your favorite trick for remembering WE courses?

Lisa Scebbi taught me to create a funny story as I journey through the course!

Your all time favorite WE horse?

My horse Leggs! He has the biggest heart. One day we’ll be superstars too!

What would your students say is your catchphrase?

One more time…!

What non-equestrian activities do you love to do?

I love herding sheep and cattle with my Kelpie. Next year we will be competing in dog trials.

Thanks for the great information, Jessica! Learn more about Jessica and all our coaches at:

Check back next month to learn about our next featured coach from our diverse network!


By: Coaches Network Committee Members

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