WE Post: Membership Committee January 2025

Membership Committee January 2025

Greetings Members!
You may have noticed my absence from the newsletter the last few months.  This is due to our changing over to a new customer management system, Findjoo.  It’s been a long and somewhat rocky transition, but we are up and running with only a glitch or two.
What we hope is that now that the organization has grown so large, this system will help us to keep better records for all our members.  Even more importantly, the way this system works allows you, as a member, to access your account for whatever reason – be it to change your last name, address, or email address, pay for your renewal or seminars, or check whether a transaction has gone through. It is possible to register or renew for someone else and link yourself to your children or spouse.  All this makes a lot less work for our volunteer staff as well as more transparency and access for you.
Here’s a quick synopsis on how to go about getting your renewal accomplished.
1. Go to usawe.org.
2. Click on the Join Now link on the top left of the home page.  You can click on the Sign In button as well; you should be guided to wherever you need to go.
3. Scroll down just a bit and you will see 4 buttons: Register Myself, Register My Child, Register Another Adult, or Record a Horse.  Click on whichever one you need, but if you need to renew, you should pick Register Myself first.
4. The page will return to the top, so scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page! Here you will use the dropdown menus for Competition Status and Region to fill that information in.
5. Click Next.
6. Fill out the box, again, at the bottom of the page.  As a renewal, you will check the box that says I have an account.  Use the email we have on file (you can change it later, if you need to) and create a password.  Fill out the remaining information and click Next.
7. Read the Member Community Code and check the box. Click Next.
8. Now is the time to get other registrations or horse recordings done before you pay.  Otherwise, click the yellow Buy Now button to pay for your membership.  We use PayPal as our base, but you can pay with a credit or debit card through this system if you don’t use PayPal.
Congratulations!  You should be all renewed and signed into your account on Findjoo.  Please check that all the information shown is correct, or change what you need to.
I hope this tiny tutorial helps some, but if you need assistance, please reach out to me at membership@usawe.org and I will do everything I can to help.
Happy New Year!

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