Committee Reports: May 2022

Membership Committee

  • Current number of USAWE members: 775 (63 Juniors)
  • Region 1: 205
  • Region 2: 204
  • Region 3: 50
  • Region 4: 46
  • Region 5: 90
  • Region 6: 103
  • Region 7: 65
  • Int: 12
  • Number of recorded horses: 3033
By: Olga Hendrickson, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

3 Zone Championships
  • Central Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)
  • Western Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)
  • Eastern Zone Show (includes optional Cattle Trial)

100 Licensed Shows (14 include Cattle Trial)
7 Canceled Shows
124 Total License Requests
37 Manual Excel and 87 GIRA Show Results

* There are four trials that make up a Working Equitation competition. The first three – Dressage (L1-L7), Ease of Handling (L1-L7), and Speed (L2-L7) are the mandatory trials required for a licensed Working Equitation competition. The fourth trial, Cattle (L2-L7), is optional and included when location and facilities allow. Although the Cattle trial is licensed separately, it is not considered a separate show; Horse-Rider pairs competing in the Cattle trial must successfully compete/complete Dressage, Ease of Handling and Speed before they can compete in the Cattle trial.
Click HERE for a complete list of licensed shows. 
The shows are listed in date order and include show’s License# (or indicates Provisional if not fully licensed yet), Date(s), Performance Levels offered, Location, Show Manager name and contact info, Region, Judge(s) (with his/her accreditation) and Technical Delegate(s).  This information is helpful for competitors working on scores towards Lifetime Rider Medals and/or judges, scores and points for the Regional/National Leaderboards.

Click HERE for Central, Eastern and Western Zone Championship information, show sponsorship, show registration and list of Qualified Horse-Rider pairs.

What’s New?
The online Competition Licensing Request Form and Technical Delegate Report have been updated to request the following information to ensure compliance with the United States Rules for Working Equitation:

  • Show Manager (if show mgr is competing, also list the alternate show mgr who will cover show mgr duties and serve on the Protest Committee)
  • Technical Delegate (if there’s a conflict of interest, also list the alternate TD)

The Competition Manual was updated to include Show Staffing requirements for licensed shows and a reminder that a Technical Delegate cannot perform any show staffing functions at a show in which they are officiating.

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and feedback.  Click HERE and let us know what additional resources would be beneficial. Email


By: Kris Blacklock, Competitions Committee Chair

Licensed Officials Committee

The Licensed Officials Committee held their first in-person seminar with Doreen Atkinson-S, and Rebecca Algar-S at the Three Bulls Classic in Bulls Gap Tennessee, May 19-22, 2022.  The focus of the seminar was on the dressage phase for L and r judges and was open to auditors.  This show was also the first time that the LOC used our new technology for the ‘Remote Shadow of the Judge’ for the Ease of Handling phase.  The USAWE Board recently approved the purchase of a one-way transmitter and 15 receivers to add to our education options, for our Licensed Officials to be able to listen to the judge as they make their judging comments to their scribe.  The LO’s will be able to watch in real-time as each rider is evaluated by experienced judges. 

Looking forward, the next seminar will be in Thousand Oaks, June 23-25, 2022 at the El Campeon Farms Summer Spectacular with WAWE Judge, Antonio Vicente judging.  There are still a few participant and silent auditor spots available. Thursday’s session taught by Doreen Atkinson and Nicole Chastain-Price will have the same curriculum as Bulls Gap, focusing on the dressage phase for L and r judges. Friday and Saturday afternoons will be focused on R and S judges, headed by Antonio Vicente.  Click here for seminar information and scroll down to the Important News button.  Click here for El Campeon Farms Summer Spectacular information.  

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Coaches Network

Region 1
Trisha Kiefer-Reed of Wolf Creek, MT

Region 2
Ashley Bowers of Cave Creek, AZ
Polly Limond of San Diego, CA
Sue Watkins of Riverside, CA

Region 3
Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO

Region 5
Emily Kemp of Newton, WI
Michelle Lackey of Medina, OH
Erica Peet of Wonder Lake, IL

Region 6
Holly Linz of Woodbine, MD
Stephanie Hayes of Johnson, VT

To learn more about our coaches or how to become a coach visit:

Get to know a recognized USAWE Coach 

Michelle Lackey of Valley City, OH

What inspires you to be a Working Equitation coach?

“The support of the WE community really inspired me to spread the joy. WE also requires a true partnership with your horse, which I love to see develop.”

What is your favorite obstacle? Why?

“I love the Bull Line, especially when the garrocha pole needs to be carried to another obstacle. It adds another dimension of testing horsemanship and communication with our horse.”

What is your best tip for competitors heading into the show ring?

“Breathe, relax, and have fun!!! You already did all the hard work, now its time to show it off.”

What is your favorite trick for remembering WE courses?

“I remember the order of the obstacles in the general vicinity. I also walk through the course as many times as I can. It does get easier.”

Your all time favorite WE horse?

“Thor of Asgard, because of his love of life and big heart.”

What would your students say is your catchphrase?

“Sparkle and Shine!!!!!!”

What non-equestrian activities do you love to do?

“Travel, hike, rescue dogs, and read. Laugh!”


Thanks for the great information, Michelle! Learn more about Michelle and all our coaches at:

Check back next month to learn about our next featured coach from our diverse network!

By: Coaches Network Committee

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