Committee Reports: May 2021

Membership Committee

Membership Committee Report – as of 5/29/2021

  • Current number of USAWE members: 879
  • Number of members added in the past month: 72
  • Junior members joined since last report: 8
  • Number of recorded horses: 2652
  • Number of Affiliate Organizations: 24

R1 – 211
R2 – 233
?R3 – 60
R4 – 52
R5 – 95
?R6 – 117
R7 – 95
Int. – 15

Membership ID cards are sent out within 24-48 hours of receiving an application and fee. All horse recording ID cards for the horses that have been recorded since the merger have been sent out. Horse recording ID cards are now sent out within 24-48 hours of receiving the recording and fee. The committee is running like a well-oiled machine! Thank you, ladies for all your hard work!

By: Mindy Finelli, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

May 2021

Show licenses issued to date: 91

Shows completed to date: 14

Shows licensed by level:

  • B-rated: 86
  • A-rated: 1

Regional championships: 3

Shows licensed by region:

  • Region 1: 16
  • Region 2: 25
  • Region 3: 8
  • Region 4: 4
  • Region 5: 22
  • Region 6: 12
  • Region 7: 4


By: Jeanne Bond, Competitions Committee Chair

Licensed Officials Committee

USAWE currently has:

  • “S” judges: 5
  • “R” judges: 4
  • “r” judges: 6
  • “L” judges: 2
  • Licensed Technical Delegates: 21
By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Coaches Network

About the USAWE Coaches Network

The Coaches Network is an opportunity to recognize our experienced trainers and instructors who are dedicated to working equitation.

The Coaches Network highlights these individuals on the USAWE website to promote the sport, not only in their area, but across the country. Coaches are individuals who have invested time and energy into their working equitation education. Their experiences can further the education of people new to the sport or those of us looking to refine our rides and improve our horsemanship.

USAWE is a new and growing organization. Coaches have their boots on the ground expanding this sport that we all love, helping our members achieve their goals. We are now accepting applications to join this program and become a recognized Coach!

The process is outlined on the USAWE website. This program allows for us to provide national recognition to working equitation professionals. A USAWE Coach will be promoted on the USAWE website including a bio, photo and link to your business website. We want to enable new USAWE members, as well as people curious about the sport, to easily locate dedicated, experienced professionals who can mentor them in the sport.

The Coaches Network launched March 1st and there are numerous inquiries moving through the application process. Coaches will be part of a diverse network of trainers and instructors committed to improving horsemanship through working equitation.

We are excited to recognize these individuals in the coming months!

Have questions? Contact us!

By: Ashley Smith, Coaches Network Committee Member

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