Committee Reports: March 2023

Competitions Committee

The Competitions Committee is excited to announce that we have received applications for 84 Licensed Competitions so far for the 2023 competition season.

Region Number of Shows
Region 1 27
Region 2 7
Region 3 5
Region 4 1
Region 5 27
Region 6 14
Region 7 3

We would like to thank the 2022 Eastern and Western Zone Championship organizers who met with the Competitions Committee to debrief their events. Both events were incredibly successful with near capacity participation from across the United States. The organizers were able to share feedback that will be useful for future Zone Championship shows. We will be compiling their insights to share with the 2023 teams.

There is now a basic Schooling Show Guide, Sample Courses and Scoring Guide available on the Competition Resources Page. We encourage anyone interested in hosting a Schooling Show to check it out! Contact the Competitions team with any questions.

The members of the Competitions Committee would like to thank outgoing committee chair Becky Sherven and team member Sue Watkins for their dedication and service. Volunteers are what keep this organization running strong!


By: Competitions Committee Members

Rules Committee

The U.S. Rules for Working Equitation Revision 6.1 was released on March 1st.  The purpose of this revision was to clarify items in Revision 6 that were causing confusion. Please find the clarifications listed in the front of the U.S. Rules for Working Equitation (updates are in red).


By: Jeanne Bond, Rules Committee Chair

Licensed Officials Committee

Registration is now open for the EOH seminar, June 15 – 18, 2023 in Woodstock, Illinois.  The link is live on the landing page of the USAWE website or you can click here to register.  


For the direct link to the hotel and the special rate for the seminar attendees, please click here.

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Marketing & Promotion Committee

Marketing team has been working hard on:

  • Developing alliances and partnerships that will promote the sport of Working Equitation in the equine community. We’re excited to announce an initial alliance with the American Warmblood Society and Sporthorse Registry (AWSRR). We’re finalizing an agreement where AWSRR will now include working equitation along with dressage, show jumping, eventing, hunter and driving as a route to registration. Since AWSRR registers horses based on performance and not pedigree, this is an opportunity for many of our horses, including Grade, to now become registered with their working equitation show records.
    New alliances will be announced as they are agreed upon.
  • USA Working Equitation’s new Grant Program for Affiliate Organizations, Licensed Officials and Coaches. This program will provide financial support through USAWE to help promote the sport of Working Equitation at Equine Trade Shows and Expos. You will find the application link on the USAWE website on the following pages: Affiliate Organization, Coaches, and Licensed Officials.
  • Launching the USAWE logo wear store. Watch for announcements on social media for the store to come back online sooner than you think! Sweatshirts, polos, long sleeve shirts, soft shell jackets, hats and more are included in phase one of the store. More items to come!
  • Dressage Illustrated will be designing and distributing our 2023 Dressage tests. As a promotion, any USAWE Affiliate Organization, show organizer or any member can purchase the DI products at a 40% discount if they purchase 10 or more at a time. These would make great prizes or even a fund raiser for your group – buy them at a discount and sell them at retail price. The books/diagrams should be available by April. Watch social media for the announcement.
  • New Banner design and program in the works. Banner will be 3’ x 3’ designed to fit on stall fronts to show off working equitation when you go to large horse shows for other disciplines. This banner will be available in addition to the current USAWE logo banner. Details on how to get these banners coming soon.
  • New flyer coming as well – watch for details. Flyer will be available to download off the website so you can print it yourself.

Like, follow, and share USAWE posts on all social media.  Join us now on Pinterest too.


By: Karen Boso, Marketing & Promotion Committee Chair

Coaches Network Committee

Coaches in your region:

Region 1
Trisha Kiefer-Reed of Wolf Creek, MT
Laura Stutesman of Ashland, OR

Region 2
Ashley Bowers of Cave Creek, AZ
Polly Limond of San Diego, CA
Jessica Mosbaugh of Fiddletown, CA
Tessa Nicolet of Payson, AZ
Sue Watkins of Riverside, CA

Region 3
Chris Stanko of Niwot, CO

Region 5
Emily Kemp of Newton, WI
Michelle Lackey of Medina, OH
Erica Peet of Wonder Lake, IL

Region 6
Stephanie Hayes of Johnson, VT
Holly Linz of Woodbine, MD
Bree Sprik of Ancramdale, NY

Region 7
Jody Fontanetta of Milton, TN
Shannon Yee of Bradley, SC

To learn more about our coaches or how to become a coach visit:

Get To Know A Recognized USAWE Coach

Laura Stutesman of Ashland, OR 

What inspires you to be a Working Equitation coach?
I love teaching! Working equitation is even more exciting for me to teach because it is obtainable for all horses and riders and includes variety and fun.

What is your favorite obstacle? Why?
I love rounding post because it requires all the hard things like balanced canter/halt, bending reinback, and 1 rein hold. The challenge is fun for me.

What is your best tip for competitors heading into the show ring?
Remember that this is you and your horse doing something you love. Leave every other stress or worry behind and just ride with your whole mind on the task at hand. Do not ride for results.

What is your favorite trick for remembering WE courses?
I say the obstacles out loud as I walk through and again as I visualize the course before riding it. Then as I approach each obstacle I say its name in my head and the next one I will go to. 

Your all time favorite WE horse?
There are many fabulous WAWE horses, but I have to pick a horse I have personally met and know his character. Endo is my favorite because he proves that many challenges can be overcome.

What would your students say is your catchphrase?
“Ask, tell, demand!” And “tell them how amazing they are”

What non-equestrian activities do you love to do?
I also love to hike, travel, spend time with my kids, and eat amazing food.

Thanks for the great information, Laura! Learn more about Laura and all our coaches at:
Check back next month to learn about our next featured coach from our diverse network!


By: Coaches Network Committee Members

Affiliate Organizations Committee

New USAWE Logo just for Affiliate Organizations!

Affiliate Organizations now have a USAWE branded logo!  (Thanks to the USAWE Marketing and Promotion Committee.)

  • Use this new logo to identify yourself as an official USAWE Affiliate Organization on your website and promotional materials.
  • Please also include a link back to on your website when you add the new logo there.
  • Download the AO Logo file from the AO Resources section of the USAWE website today.

New Resources to help Affiliate Organizations coming soon!

  • The 2023 AO Spring Projects Task Force is finalizing some new resources as we go to press.  These should be available by the time the next eNews comes out.  A big Thank You to Willa Rose of Working Equitation Club Idaho, and Robert and Janet Phinney of Walla Walla Valley Working Equitation for working on resource projects this year.
  • The USAWE Marketing Committee is also finalizing a printable flyer with space for your contact information.  This file will be posted to the  AO Resources section of the USAWE website as soon as it is ready.
  • The new Affiliate Organization Handbook will be emailed to all AO main contacts by the end of March.  You can download a copy from the AO Resources section of the USAWE website today if you don’t want to wait.

AO Quarterly Networking Hour

Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to build relationships and network with other AO leaders.

  • The next Affiliate Organization Quarterly Networking Hour is April 24, 2023.
  • You should receive a meeting reminder link on April 1st.  Please let me know if you do not receive it.
  • All members of your AO leadership team are welcome to attend.

If you have any questions about the USAWE Affiliate Organization Program, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I’d love to chat!

Kristine Strasburger
USAWE Affiliate Organization Program Coordinator
(208) 818-0400 (Central time zone)


By: Kristine Strasburger, Affiliate Organizations Committee Chair

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