OR: January WE Show #1


This will be a Working Equitation competition, licensed by USA Working Equitation.

Please go to Gira.io and create a free user account. From that account, you will be able to enter this show (and retrieve your scoresheets once you’ve been judged!).

Entry Fee: $250 to participate.

Tack Stall: $100

(OHC Boarders who do not need stabling can request a $100 discount because they don’t need a stall)

Just-for-fun Leadline modified Ease of Handling: $10

Entry fees include first bag of shavings, and stabling from Friday, 1 pm (honestly — NO EARLIER — if you arrive prior to 1 pm on Friday, please plan to pay a ‘haul in fee’ to OHC and amuse yourself in the main facility rather than coming to the Prairie Arena). Additional bags of shavings can be purchased on site for $10/bag.

PLEASE DO NOT BRING OUTSIDE SHAVINGS IN — we are charged an extra $35 per stall if any outside shavings are used.

Camping is available on site — please make reservations directly with the Oregon Horse Center if you are planning to camp (we do not handle the camping spot reservations at all).

Judge: Cari Schwartz, R, Oregon

Full refunds if you are unable to attend due to a true medical emergency (COVID exposure, sickness, medically unsound to ride). Otherwise, entry fees (less $50 processing fee) can be applied to another competition hosted by Working Equitation Oregon.


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