IL: R5 Buckle Series – Mother’s Day WE-ekend Shows


Join us for a fun-filled, fabulous weekend of camaraderie and skill-building at the beautiful Fox Valley Saddle Association!

Offering Introductory through Masters level classes.

We will be offering two back-to-back one-day shows.

Entry fees: $350 includes your entry fee, stabling from Friday at 4 – Sunday end of show, and lunch both days. The stalls are dirt-floored (quite comfortable for the horses). No shavings are provided or available on site (please bring your own if you want to use them).

Please note: Stalls will be available after 4 pm on Friday. (we are required to have someone there to unlock them and ‘host’ the facility, and 4 pm is the soonest we can guarantee having someone available). Please plan accordingly (thank you!).

This event is part of the 2021 R5 Buckle Series!

Judge: Barbara Price, R, California
TD: Julie Alonzo (Provisional TD license)

Enter by filling out the following online form: 

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