IL: Buckle Series – Independence WE-ekend Show


This weekend will include two, back-to-back one day B-Rated Working Equitation competitions, licensed by USA Working Equitation.

Part of the 2021 Great Lakes Area High Point Series — show at all or some!

Series High Point Buckle to High Point Champion in each level
Novice A
Novice B
Intermediate A
Intermediate B

Buckles will have the winner’s name engraved on them: the ultimate in personal recognition!

We’ll be offering a weekend’s worth of friendly, supportive Working Equitation competitions at the Fox Valley Saddle Association in Hampshire, IL.July 4 -5, 2021

On each of the weekends, we’ll be running two separately-licensed WE competitions, allowing people to compete in one or both; whichever works best for their schedule. Some people might opt to participate as a Schooling Ride in the Saturday show, for example, and compete in the Sunday show, while others might prefer to compete in both.

If you compete in both shows, you’ll have double the opportunity to earn points toward USAWE National and Regional Awards, as well as double the opportunity to earn points toward our High Point Buckle Series!

This entry form is for the JULY 3 – 4 SHOWS.

Entry Fees:
One show: $250
Two shows: $350

Entry fee includes stabling the night prior and the day you are showing, as well as lunch each show day.
Please plan to bring your own bedding for your stall.

If you are coming in with your horse on Friday, please plan to arrive between 4 – 6:00 PM. If that time won’t work for you, please be sure to add a note in the section provided on this entry form so we can make arrangements to have your stall ready for you. We are required by the facility to have someone there when horses arrive, so this is really important. : )

To sign up, please fill out this online registration form. You’ll be sent a PayPal invoice. Payment in full reserves your spot.

Online registration link:

Judge: Kim Roe, r, Washington


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