CA: Your Personal WE Coach for a Day


The Equine Obstacle Training Center invites you to spend a full day with Sue Watkins, one of only 7 recognized Working Equitation coaches in the USA! She is also a carded USAWE ‘R’ Judge, licensed WE Technical Delegate, and a multiple Regional and National Top 10 Champion Rider. Her coaching expertise will provide you with the tools to better your horsemanship while learning the principles of Working Equitation. As you and your horse work independently in Dressage and over the obstacles at your own pace and level, you will receive individual attention and feedback throughout the day.

$75.00 for the entire day 9am – 5pm

• Space is limited, *must preregister.
• All levels and disciplines are welcome.
• Auditors: $10.00
• Bring your lunch, stay the day
• Overnight stalls available

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