BOD Meeting


Agenda will be added closer to the date of the Board meeting.

The USAWE Board will be meeting on Monday, April 26th via Zoom.

The meeting will begin at 5:00 Pacific, 6:00 Mountain, 7:00 Central, 8:00 Eastern.

The agenda for the meeting is pasted below.

All USAWE Board meetings are open to current members of USAWE.

  1. To receive the codes to enable you to log on, please contact President Leslie Martien ( at least 6 hours prior to the start of the meeting, ( Please note: these codes should not be shared with others. Each USAWE member who requests the codes with sufficient time for the President to send them will be sent the information they need to be able to log on to the Zoom call.
  2. Members are welcome to attend and listen but may not provide input at board meetings. This allows the board to finish their agenda in the time allotted. If you have questions or concerns please contact a board member after the meeting.
  3. If you have questions prior to the meeting please go to At the bottom of the Home Page there is a place to get in touch – we will respond to you as soon as possible.
  4. If you are not on the Board of Directors, please refrain from using the Chat feature during board meetings. Chat conversations are very distracting and should be reserved for board member usage only.
  5. Prior to the start of the meeting, all guests will be placed in a “waiting room” to enable the Board to get organized. One of the Directors will be serving as a moderator, verifying the membership status of each person in the waiting room and ensuring that each person has their first and last name showing, so that the minutes can accurately reflect all in attendance. It may not be possible to continue to process people who arrive late, once the meeting has started, so we encourage any members in attendance to log on at least 5 to 10 minutes prior to the posted start of the meeting and add their first and last names to their Zoom profile to help expedite the process.

We value you and your contribution. Thank you for attending our meetings and helping us run our meetings as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Warm Regards,

Leslie Martien

President – USAWE


Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date:           Monday April 26, 2021, 5:00 p.m. Pacific, 6:00 p.m. Mountain, 7:00 p.m. Central, 8:00 p.m. Eastern

Before the meeting download Zoom:

Please follow these steps below to download and install the Zoom application for Mac and PC.

  1. Open this Zoomlink using your web browser:
  2. Choose the “ZoomClient for Meetings” option.

At least 12 hours prior to the start of the meeting, please contact President Leslie Martien ( to request the log-in codes. Please note: these codes should not be shared with others. Each member who requests the codes with sufficient time for the President to send them will be sent the information they need to be able to log on to the Zoom call.

Meeting Logistics

  • The meeting will be facilitated by Leslie Martien
  • Only Board members and guests whom the President requests to speak are permitted to speak or use the Chat window during the meeting, to ensure that the Board is able to focus on agenda topics without interruption.
  • Please mute your line when it’s not your turn to speak.
  • Every Board member will have the opportunity to speak once on every motion up for discussion. The “chat” feature on Zoom is also a way for Board members to share thoughts with other Board members as you are listening to the discussion without interrupting the person speaking. Note: if you are in general agreement with a motion proposed it is 100% OK to simply write that in the chat window to help save time. If all Board members speak for one minute, each motion will require twelve (12) minutes of discussion, in addition to the time for making the motion and taking the vote.
  • To reduce confusion/interruptions, each time there is a matter up for discussion, we will have people participate in the following order:

Kristine Strasburger            Trisha Kiefer-Reed
Robin Bond                         Doreen Atkinson
Cindy Branham                   Erin O’Shaughnessy
Kiki Pantaze                        Julie Alonzo
Alex Tyson                          Barbara Miller-Price
Kim Hillyer                           Leslie Martien
Rebecca Algar

Voting Order
When we vote, Leslie Martien will either call for a voice vote or a roll call vote. A voice vote will be used if there appears to be consensus on a particular item. A roll call vote will be used if any member of either Board requests it, or if there does not appear to be consensus.

If a voice vote is called, meeting secretary (Julie Alonzo) will record whether there were any ‘nay’ votes cast. If a roll call vote is called, Julie will call on individual Board members by name and record the votes. She will call for votes in the following order:

Region 1 Kristine Strasburger At-Large Director 1 Trisha Keifer-Reed
Region 2 Robin Bond At-Large Director 2 Doreen Atkinson
Region 3 Cindy Branham Treasurer Erin O’Shaughnessy
Region 4 Kiki Pantaze Secretary Julie Alonzo
Region 5 Alex Tyson President Elect Barbara Miller-Price
Region 6 Kim Hillyer President Leslie Martien
Region 7 Rebecca Algar




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