
Volunteers Are the Heart of USAWE

Committees and Task Forces made entirely of volunteers are the backbone of USAWE helping us to accomplish our mission and goals.

All committees & task forces are appointed by the

USAWE Board of Directors

Interested in serving?  Please click the button below to let us know!

Do you want to learn more about what each committee does?  Click here.

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Affiliate Organizations Committee

The Affiliates Committee oversees the USAWE Affiliate Program, providing independent local individuals and organizations involved in Working Equitation the opportunity to be officially recognized as a USAWE Affiliate.

Affiliate Organizations Committee
Chair:  Stephanie Dobbis

Susan Felicia
Beth Harrison

Awards Committee

USAWE recognizes the performance achievements of horses and riders who compete in USAWE licensed Working Equitation competitions held in the United States and our International members who compete under USAWE licensed judges. The goals of our Award Programs include promoting the sport, encouraging horse and rider development, and honoring the incredible partnerships between Working Equitation horses and riders.

Awards Committee
Chair:  Lynn Maloney

Julie Alonzo
Mindy Finelli
Pat Melton
Nancy Meola
Amie Perryman
Brenna Reimer

Breed Awards
Mindy Finelli

Championship Evaluation Committee

Championship Evaluation Committee
Western Zone:  Regional Directors 1 and 2
Central Zone:  Regional Directors 3, 4 and 5
Eastern Zone:  Regional Directors 6 and 7

Plus a Competitions Committee Representative
who does not reside in the zone.

11/29/23 BOD motion stipulates that for Regional or Multi-Regional Championships (beginning in 2025) this committee be comprised of:

– A competitions committee member not residing in that region(s)
– One At-large Director
– Regional Director(s) from the region(s) covered by the Championship competition

Competitions Committee

The Competitions Committee is responsible for ensuring the smooth and successful execution of the USAWE competition licensing process and utilizing effective and transparent communication with the board, committee members, committee chairs, and show managers. This committee collaborates with various other committees to ensure that our competitions are fair, enjoyable, and
efficient for all participants.

Competitions Committee
Bylaws stipulate 1 or more members
Chair:  Kimberley Hillyer

Julie Alonzo
Mary Duffy
Emily Elias
Lisa Mathis
Linsey Moritz

Documents Administrator
Mindy Finelli

Gira Administrators
Julie Alonzo
Emily Callihan

Elections Committee

The Elections Committee organizes the election of officers and directors for USAWE each year.

Elections Committee
Bylaws stipulate 3 or more members
Chair:  To be appointed

To be appointed
To be appointed

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee has oversight regarding alleged violations of the Code of Conduct, Codes of Ethics, Social Media Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Confidentiality Agreements, and inquiries regarding amateur status.

Ethics Committee
Policies stipulate 4-8 members (one Regional Director)
Chair:  Dan Dahlke

Cindy Branham
Marcy Buffington
Glynna Hoekstra (Regional Director)
Ali Kermeen
Adair Soho

Financial Oversight Committee

Financial Oversight Committee
Bylaws stipulate 2 or more members
Chair:  Tamla Nichols

Katherine Adams
Barbara Crawford
Brittney Flowers
Phyllis Laderman

Horse Recording Committee

The Horse Recording Committee maintains the records for USAWE Recorded Horses to assist in show management, awards tracking, and as a historical reference.

Horse Recording Committee
Chair:  Mindy Finelli

Nancy Meola

International Committee

The mission of the International Committee (IC) is to: Identify and support riders with the talent and ability to reach international competition status within a 2- to 3-year time frame; Establish and facilitate a team selection process when required; Facilitate and support team attendance at international competitions, both domestic and overseas; Enable the educational material provided to candidate competitors to be disseminated to the entire USAWE membership through partnership with other committees and material offered on the WE Education Resource Center ( The International Program will provide access to in-person, one-on-one training and coaching.

International Committee
9/14/22 BOD motion stipulates current President and President Elect serve on this committee. 8/14/24 – This stipulation is removed if a conflict of interest is declared. (i.e., intent to pursue a place on the international competition team.)

Chair:  Barbara Price

Laura Kobrin
Sara MacKenzie
Dawn Metzger
Christy Reich

Rotating Members (as of Dec 1, 2024)
USAWE President – Tracey Erway

USAWE President Elect – Robin Bond

Licensed Officials Committee

The mission of the Licensed Officials Committee (LOC) is to create, maintain, and support a robust roster of educated, current, talented, and professional licensed officials to benefit the sport of working equitation in the U.S. The LOC achieves this goal through the development and maintenance of a rigorous curriculum, licensing process, testing protocol, and continuing education.

Licensed Officials Committee
Bylaws stipulate 4 or more members (no more than 2 licensed officials)
Chairs:  Christy Reich & Doreen Atkinson (LO)

Kellee Campbell
Leslie Martien
Deb Quillinan (LO)

Marketing and Promotion Committee

The Marketing and Promotion committee functions as a working advisory committee to the Board of Directors. It has many touchpoints throughout the organization. The committee’s primary role is to initiate and present organizational marketing, advertising, and other communication strategies to the Board; and to work as a liaison with Board members, organization members, vendors, and strategic alliances. Marketing and Promotion is responsible for external communications for the entire organization.

Marketing and Promotion Committee
Chair: Amie Perryman

Linette Bond
Kiki Pantaze
Audrey Rapp

Graphic Design:
Stephani Kame (Graphic Design)

Morgan Osbaldeston

Cera Olson

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee oversees every aspect of membership enrollment and profile management for USAWE members.

Membership Committee
Chair:  Kate Steffes

Membership Processing Team

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee oversees comprehensive programs designed to develop quality Working Equitation Professionals such as instructors, clinicians, coaches, and other industry professionals not provided for by the Licensed Officials Committee (LOC).

Professional Development Committee
Co-Chairs:  Sue Watkins & Seth Marshall

Nicole Chastain
Stephanie Hayes
Michelle Lackey
Rose Watt

Rules Committee

The Rules committee is tasked with maintaining a complete, accurate, and up-to-date rulebook for Working Equitation in the U.S. The rulebook adheres to WAWE guidelines and incorporates additional requirements appropriate for the sport in this country. The baseline of the document is controlled at all times to ensure that the current version is identifiable and available to all users, and that no unauthorized changes/modifications can be made.

Rules Committee
Bylaws stipulate 4 or more members (including 1 licensed official)
Chair:  Amy Star

Glynna Hoekstra
Leslie Martien
Barbara Price
Amy Star (LO)

Regional Social Media Editors

Regional Social Media Editors

Region 1 Director,
Region 2 Director,
Region 3 Director,
Region 4 Director,
Region 5 Director,
Region 6 Director,
Region 7 Director,

Website Committee

The Website Committee is responsible for creating and managing the website.

Website Committee
Interim Chair:  Amie Perryman


Website Editors
Julie Alonzo (Awards)
Mindy Finelli (Competitions)
Amie Perryman
Audrey Rapp (eNews)

Youth Development Committee

Objectives: To promote opportunities that effectively engage youth in the sport of Working Equitation; to foster and develop engagement through participation, awareness, learning, and development opportunities for young people by encouraging and supporting them to contribute to the sport; to build strong relationships within the USAWE youth community as well as among adult leadership through advocacy and diplomatic measures; to continually and progressively identify youth needs within our Youth committee; to help intergenerational practices that promote greater understanding and build positive communities for youth involvement and retention.

Youth Development Committee
Chair:  Kasey Riddle

Adrienne Dymesich
Megan Kenney
Judy MacKenzie
Alex Tyson
Bailey Yee
Alyx West
Hilarie Zarazau

Task Force Teams

Click to view details

Bylaws Review Task Force

Bylaws Review Task Force

Jeanne Bond
Marcy Buffington
Tracey Erway
Sara Mackenzie

Strategic Planning Task Force

Strategic Planning Task Force

Sara Barnwell
Tracey Erway
Leesa Nero

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