WE Post: Competitions Committee January 2025 News

Competitions Committee January 2025 News

As the outgoing Competitions Committee Chair, I would like to welcome the new Chair, Laurie Ridgeway. I will remain on the committee as a working member processing shows.  Laurie and I will be working closely together as she gets up to speed.  I look forward to working with Laurie and feel she will be a great addition to the committee.
Here are a couple dates to remember for show managers.

May 31st:  Bids will not be evaluated until the May 31 deadline.

Per the Competitions Manual (Regional Championship section):
Show organizers who want to hold a regional championship show must prepare a Championship Show Proposal that outlines their show plan and capabilities. Proposals must be submitted no later than May 31 of the year prior to the show. Late bids will only be considered after the deadline if no other bids were received before the deadline for that region. The late proposals are approved on a first-come first-served basis. The Championship Evaluation Committee will assess all proposals received and submit the top two candidates in each region to the BOD for final selection. In the event that only one proposal was received, that bid will be submitted to the BOD for approval.

July 1st: License Application

Show license applications will be accepted starting July 1 for the following competition year. For legacy shows that have been held on the same weekend each year for multiple years, the show licensing window is June 25 through June 30.


Reminders to show managers

1.  Please be sure to use the assigned show license number we send to you in all of your correspondence with the competitions committee members at showlicenses@usawe.org. This is important. It will help us to better serve you and avoid any mix-ups.
2.  Please communicate any changes to your shows with the competitions committee members at showlicenses@usawe.org.
Please reach out to the competitions committee chair if you need any help or have any questions at competitioncommitteechair@usawe.org.

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