Corporate News: CN March 2023

Category: Corporate News

What’s New?

    Decisions by Email February 23

    • Appoint Jody Fontanetta (R7) as member of the Elections Committee, effective immediately.
    • Appoint Lidia Taylor (R5) as member of the Horse Recording Committee, effective immediately.
    • Require a copy of breed registration papers accompany horse recording requests if equine isn’t listed as ‘Grade’.
    • Approve the initial Affiliate Organizations Handbook dated February 23, 2023, and authorize the Affiliate Organization Program Coordinator to continue to update it as the AO program develops.
    • Approve the USAWE Affiliate Organization distinctive logo.
    • Authorize the creation and dissemination of a USAWE Members and Affiliate Organizations Survey via MailChimp.
    • Approve the development of new website content to announce and display partnerships, alliances and affiliations with equine breed registries and equestrian groups.
    • Approve the $5,000 Website Committee annual budget.
    • Hire Becky Alexander (or 990 Specialist designee), from the Taylor Roth and Company in Denver CO, to file the organization’s annual non-profit 990 tax returns.
    • Add a brief paragraph, photo and website link to the World Association of Working Equitation on the website.

    Decisions by Email February 28

    • Appoint Phyllis Laderman (R2) as member of the Financial Oversight Committee, effective immediately.

    Decisions by Email March 7

    • Appoint Jeanne Bond (R6), chair of the Competitions Committee, effective 3/1/2023.
    • Appoint Mary Duffy (R2), member of Competitions Committee, effective immediately.

    March 8 Board of Directors Meeting

    • Authorize the President to move forward with Dressage Illustrated designing and selling the USA Working Equitation 2023 Dressage tests, pending legal review of the licensing agreement contract.
    • Appoint Emily Elias (R1), member of Competitions committee, effective immediately.
    • The Board of Directors shall approve all significant changes to the USAWE website prior to the changes becoming “live and viewable” to the public. Significant changes are those changes which would alter the look and feel of the website or add content of a new nature. Changes which are not in those categories, page updates, or merely enhance end-user experience do not need Board approval.
    • Authorize the Executive Committee to purchase budget approved items and pay for reimburse shipping costs for each of the organization’s committees via the Expenditure Reimbursable Expense Form approval process.
    • Approve Version 6.1 USA Rules for Working Equitation published March 1, 2023 with the understanding all rules and revisions must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors prior to public announcement, website and social media posting.
    • Authorize Treasurer Erin O’Shaughnessy full account access with secondary approval to move USAWE funds between accounts.

    March 8 Executive Committee Meeting (Full Board of Directors)

    • Appoint Katie Franklin to fill the remaining term as Region Director 2 through November 30, 2023.
    By: Kris Blacklock, USA WE Secretary

    Let’s Get Acquainted!

    At Large Director 2 – Stephanie Hayes

    Stephanie Hayes has been a professional in the horse industry all of her adult life as a rider, trainer and competitor in multiple disciplines.  In 2017 she attended her first WE clinic and was inspired to incorporate the training benefits into her programs. Since then she has become passionate about the sport, furthering her education and involvement at every opportunity.

    Stephanie conducts WE clinics throughout the U.S., is President and co-founder of New England Working Equitation, Inc., is a USAWE Recognized Coach, USAWE “L” judge, and serves on the USAWE Executive Committee as Director At Large 2. She has won National honors in the Top 5 and Regional Championships on multiple horses at Level 1 through 4.  Stephanie lives with her husband Tim Hayes at their farm, The Center for America’s First Horse in Johnson, Vermont where she trains and promotes rare Spanish Barbs.

    Region 2 Director – Katie Franklin

    On March 8, 2023, Katie Franklin (AZ) was appointed to fill the Region 2 Director position (formerly held by Robin Bond who was appointed At Large Director 1 on February 16).  As Region Director 2, Katie’s term will run through November 30, 2023.  Katie has been competing in Working Equitation for two years and recently completed her first Western Zone championship show at L1 Introductory performance level. I consider myself an enthusiastic amateur, who enjoys trying new challenges with my horse. Before learning about Working Equitation, I primarily did trail riding, I completed the Arizona trail horseback (800 miles) in 2017. I have participated in gymkhana, mounted shooting, barrel racing and cross-country events; although these equine events are exciting in their own ways, I found myself seeking more balance, accountability and discipline with my equine partner which led me to working equitation! This sport has forever changed my partnership with my horse. I am hoping to encourage fellow riders to continue their participation in the sport and reach out to the public to encourage new members to get connected to local coaches and their communities. This year’s goals include obtaining my technical delegate license, working at our schooling and licensed shows in addition to competing in the Western Zone Championship show in Montana. Feel free to contact me at

    Region 6 Director – Karen Miller

    Karen Miller lives just outside of Frederick Maryland where she owns Whiskey Ridge Farm, a woman owned and operated 55 acre 12 stall private boarding facility. She’s a wife, mother and grandmother, with 3 beautiful daughters, 3 very tolerant son in laws and 6 fantastic grandchildren. Karen grew up in Texas riding western as a child with no formal lessons…it was get on, stay on and figure it out. As with many of us, horses took a backseat to raising a family and surviving adulthood. At the age of 40 horses came back into her life, and at 50 she started Fox Hunting. For the last 15 years that has been my “sport” of choice. She also served as President of the Hunt Club BOD for 6 years.  

    My journey in WE began about 3 years ago, when a friend introduced me to it and honestly, I wasn’t sure WE was stimulating enough for me…that was of course before I knew just how hard it is to do things in the correct way. The sport has been a huge learning experience for both myself and my horse and it has enriched our relationship tremendously in the process. 2023 will be my first year serving on the USAWE Board and I am excited and proud to roll up my sleeves and be a part of such a supportive and well-rounded discipline. My goal is to promote the sport of Working Equitation by being a positive and compassionate Ambassador of Working Equitation and to help introduce the sport to new people. Nurturing and feeding that curiosity is the base for our growth in this country. I call that planting seeds and watering your garden.

    As your Region 6 Director I also serve as a voice for our members. I will strive to make events and information easily accessible and represent Region 6 in USAWE BOD meetings. I am here for each and every one of you.  Please reach out to me at with any questions, concerns, ideas you may have, or just to introduce yourself.  I may not have the answer but the best part of the WE community is that as a team, I will be able to find the answer for you. I am looking forward to what’s to come, WE has a bright future and the time is ripe to grow! Kick on, and keep the hooved side down!”

    Corporate Meetings

    The Board of Directors (BOD) meeting is scheduled the 2nd Wednesday of each month. All USAWE Members in good standing are welcome to attend as a silent participant.

    Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday April 12, 2023 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific time and will take place virtually via Zoom.

    Please contact Secretary Kris Blacklock ( at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting if you would like the Zoom meeting room access information. Requests for access arriving less than 24 hours prior to the meeting are not guaranteed a response.

    BOD agendas and meeting minutes are posted to > Corporate > Records > Meeting Minutes >

    A Log of Motions Passed is posted to > Corporate > Records

    By: Kris Blacklock, USA WE Secretary


    LINKS Updated Description
    Banner   Order the USAWE Banner using the form provided in the link. All banner orders must be submitted at least 20 business days (4 weeks) before your needed date.
    Course Design Approval Guide  12/23/2022 Covers basic course design requirements. EOH and Speed courses must be reviewed/approved by a licensed official. 
    Current Members   Show Manager is required to validate rider’s entry form’s USAWE membership number.  List is updated by the Membership Committee

    Dispensation Certificate Application – MS Word

    Dispensation Certificate Application – PDF

    Riders with disabilities use this form to apply for a Dispensation Certificate that approves the use of adaptive equipment and other allowances. 
    Dressage arena dimensions   Provides Dressage arena dimensions and diagonal measurements to aid in setup.

    Emergency Plan (sample) – MS Word

    Emergency Plan (sample) – PDF

    4/25/2022 Emergency Plan instructions prepared by Safety Coordinator. (Competition Manual 4.3)
    Entry Form (sample) – MS Word  2/2/2022 First page can be modified as needed. Second page cannot be changed. (Competition Manual 4.3)
    Entry Order – One Day Show (L1 – L7) – MS Word Sample 3/24/2022 A sample Entry Order (Start List) for Show Managers User’s Manual  1/10/2023

    For competitions that want to use the online scoring/placing program.  

    Use GIRA to select show participants, create your show’s Entry Order (Start List) and personalized Dressage, Ease of Handling, Speed, and Cattle Scorecards, score/place each Division and Performance Level and download Show Results in the format needed by Quick Reference Guide  1/10/2023 For those familiar with GIRA who just need a checklist of steps. Show Entries



    Instructions on setting show up to accept show entries using the GIRA online software program.  
    Guest Judge Card Application  1/24/2021 Judges must hold a current WE Judge License issued by their country’s national WE organization and apply for a USAWE international Guest Judge License.
    Horse Recording Form   All horses competing at USAWE licensed competitions must be registered with USAWE. Complete the horse recording process on our Membership page or use the link to the left for a direct connection to the form.  List is updated by the Membership Committee.
    Insurance – address to use when requesting a certificate of additional insured for USAWE as required for licensed shows  

    5006 Forsyth Place
    Boulder, CO 80303

    Email a PDF of the insurance policy to

    *Judge Evaluation form   Show Manager uses this online form to assess Judge(s) performance. (Competition Manual 7. 2)
    Liability Release Form  2/21/2022 USAWE Release, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification Agreement may be used for licensed competitions. 
    Licensed Official Confirmation & Contract – MS Word Sample



    A sample licensed official confirmation & contract

    Logo (USAWE)



    To use for prize lists & show advertising for USAWE licensed competitions. 

    Visit Corporate Records for the USAWE Brand Logo Guidelines Questions?  Contact the Marketing Committee 

    Non-member Voucher  

    Non-members can use a One-Time Voucher to cover the non-member fee at a single licensed (non-championship) show (one per lifetime).

    Names will automatically appear on the Membership Info voucher list so show secretaries can verify voucher status.  

    Obstacle Specifications Checklist.pdf  9/7/2021 List of obstacle specifications (per performance level) for EOH and Speed course setup/reset.  Useful for Judge, TD and ground crew.   
    Planning Your Show Schedule – Recommended Time Allotments 3/24/2022 Recommended time allotments to help Working Equitation show managers plan your show day (Entry Order, Ride Times, Breaks, Course Setup for Performance Levels, Course Walks, Protest Filings, Awards, etc.) for Dressage, EOH, Speed, and Cattle Trials.
    Prize List (sample)  1/29/2022 Suggested basic information to be included in a prize list.  (Competition Manual 4.2)   
    Protest Requirement Summary 10/20/2021 A synopsis of protest requirements and time limits. (Competition Manual 5.3)
    Recorded Horses   Show Manager is required to validate show entry’s USAWE horse recording number.  List is updated by the Membership Committee.
    Results Submission Guide  11/27/2021 Provides instructions for submitting show results.  Updated for the 2022 show season.
    *Results Sheet – WE Competition (non Gira)  11/27/2021

    Use this form to report show results for a WE competition (Dressage, EOH, Speed, Cattle trials). If you use the GIRA online scoring program, download and send in the Excel file that program provides instead.                                                                                           

    Email Show Results (manual excel or GIRA file) to

    Scoresheet, EOH – MS Word
    Scoresheet, EOH – PDF


    Scoresheet, Speed – MS Word

    Scoresheet, Speed – PDF

    Scoresheet, Cattle, Individual – PDF

    Scoresheet, Cattle, Team – PDF

     Revision 5, 12/1/2021

    Non-GIRA Scoresheets

    Secretary can manually enter EOH and Speed obstacle data in advance, as well as competitor data.

    Secretary manually enters Cattle trial competitor data.

    Show Entries – Google Form



    Instructions to create an online Working Equitation show entry form using Google Form
    Show Entries – Google Form Sample



    A sample Google Form online Working Equitation show entry form
    Tack and Attire Checklist  9/25/2021 Useful for Technical Delegate, Paddock and Gate Steward.  
    TD Duties and Responsibilities 10/28/2020  A list of duties the Technical Delegate (TD) should complete at all licensed WE competitions. 
    *TD Evaluation form   Show Manager uses this online form to assess TD performance. (Competition Manual 7. 2)
    TD Report worksheet   TD can use this worksheet to keep track of information during a competition that can later be used when filing the online Technical Delegate Report Form.
    *TD Report form   TD uses this online form to report on licensed  competitions. (Competition Manual 7.1 )



    LINKS Updated Description
    Amateur Status  1/20/2022 Excerpts from USEF Rule 1306 that defines amateur vs. professional status. 
    Banner   Order the USAWE Banner using the form provided in the link. All banner orders must be submitted at least 20 business days (4 weeks) before your needed date.
    Competition Manual 5/12/2022 Competition Manual includes requirements for show organizers and managers in planning and conducting a show licensed with USA Working Equitation (USAWE). 
    Course Design Approval Guide  11/11/2021 Covers basic course design requirements. EOH and Speed courses must be reviewed/approved by a licensed official. 
    Current Members   Show Manager is required to validate rider’s entry form’s USAWE membership number.  List is updated by the Membership Committee

    Dispensation Certificate Application – MS Word

    Dispensation Certificate Application – PDF

    Riders with disabilities use this form to apply for a Dispensation Certificate that approves the use of adaptive equipment and other allowances. 
    Dressage arena dimensions   Provides Dressage arena dimensions and diagonal measurements to aid in setup.

    Emergency Plan (sample) – MS Word

    Emergency Plan (sample) – PDF

    4/25/2022 Emergency Plan instructions prepared by Safety Coordinator. (Competition Manual 4.3)
    Entry Form (sample) – MS Word  2/2/2022 First page can be modified as needed. Second page cannot be changed. (Competition Manual 4.3)
    Entry Order – One Day Show (L1 – L7) – MS Word Sample 3/24/2022 A sample Entry Order (Start List) for Show Managers

    Final Competition Placement, Individual – MS Word

    Final Competition Placement, Individual – PDF

    Final Competition Placement, Team – MS Word

      Scorer enters data from individual scoresheets to determine final placement (to be used by competitions not using online scoring system and where an Excel file is not a viable option).  Note: Final results must be submitted to using the official ‘Results Sheet’ Excel document.
    Gate Steward Duties  11/11/2021 Describes duties related to tack and attire checks and blood checks. User’s Manual  1/10/2023

    For competitions that want to use the online scoring/placing program.  

    Use GIRA to select show participants, create your show’s Entry Order (Start List) and personalized Dressage, Ease of Handling, Speed, and Cattle Scorecards, score/place each Division and Performance Level and download Show Results in the format needed by Quick Reference Guide  1/10/2023 For those familiar with GIRA who just need a checklist of steps. Show Entries



    Instructions on setting show up to accept show entries using the GIRA online software program.  
    Guest Judge Card Application  1/24/2021 Judges must hold a current WE Judge License issued by their country’s national WE organization and apply for a USAWE international Guest Judge License.
    Horse Recording Form   All horses competing at USAWE licensed competitions must be registered with USAWE. Complete the horse recording process on our Membership page or use the link to the left for a direct connection to the form.  List is updated by the Membership Committee.
    Insurance – address to use when requesting a certificate of additional insured for USAWE as required for licensed shows  

    5006 Forsyth Place
    Boulder, CO 80303

    Email a PDF of the insurance policy to

    *Judge Evaluation form   Show Manager uses this online form to assess Judge(s) performance. (Competition Manual 7. 2)
    Judge Feedback form   Judge uses this online form to provide the Competitions Committee pertinent information regarding competitions where they officiated. 
    Liability Release Form  2/21/2022 USAWE Release, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification Agreement may be used for licensed competitions. 
    Licensed Official Confirmation & Contract – MS Word Sample



    A sample licensed official confirmation & contract

    Logo (USAWE)



    To use for prize lists & show advertising for USAWE licensed competitions. 

    Visit Corporate Records for the USAWE Brand Logo Guidelines Questions?  Contact the Marketing Committee 

    Non-member Voucher  

    Non-members can use a One-Time Voucher to cover the non-member fee at a single licensed (non-championship) show (one per lifetime).

    Names will automatically appear on the Membership Info voucher list so show secretaries can verify voucher status.  

    Obstacle Specifications Checklist.pdf  9/7/2021 List of obstacle specifications (per performance level) for EOH and Speed course setup/reset.  Useful for Judge, TD and ground crew.   
    Paddock-Steward-Duties-.pdf  11/11/2021  A list of duties the Paddock Steward should complete at all licensed WE competitions. 
    Planning Your Show Schedule – Recommended Time Allotments 3/24/2022 Recommended time allotments to help Working Equitation show managers plan your show day (Entry Order, Ride Times, Breaks, Course Setup for Performance Levels, Course Walks, Protest Filings, Awards, etc.) for Dressage, EOH, Speed, and Cattle Trials.
    Prize List (sample)  1/29/2022 Suggested basic information to be included in a prize list.  (Competition Manual 4.2)   
    Protest Requirement Summary 10/20/2021 A synopsis of protest requirements and time limits. (Competition Manual 5.3)
    Recorded Horses   Show Manager is required to validate show entry’s USAWE horse recording number.  List is updated by the Membership Committee.
    Results Submission Guide  11/27/2021 Provides instructions for submitting show results.  Updated for the 2022 show season.
    *Results Sheet – WE Competition (non Gira)  11/27/2021

    Use this form to report show results for a WE competition (Dressage, EOH, Speed, Cattle trials). If you use the GIRA online scoring program, download and send in the Excel file that program provides instead.                                                                                           

    Email Show Results (manual excel or GIRA file) to

    Scoresheet, EOH – MS Word
    Scoresheet, EOH – PDF


    Scoresheet, Speed – MS Word

    Scoresheet, Speed – PDF

    Scoresheet, Cattle, Individual – PDF

    Scoresheet, Cattle, Team – PDF

     Revision 5, 12/1/2021

    Non-GIRA Scoresheets

    Secretary can manually enter EOH and Speed obstacle data in advance, as well as competitor data.

    Secretary manually enters Cattle trial competitor data.

    Scribe Duties 10/28/2020  Useful for Scribe.  
    Show Entries – Google Form



    Instructions to create an online Working Equitation show entry form using Google Form
    Show Entries – Google Form Sample



    A sample Google Form online Working Equitation show entry form
    Tack and Attire Checklist  9/25/2021 Useful for Technical Delegate, Paddock and Gate Steward.  
    TD Duties 10/28/2020  A list of duties the Technical Delegate (TD) should complete at all licensed WE competitions. 
    *TD Evaluation form   Show Manager uses this online form to assess TD performance. (Competition Manual 7. 2)
    TD Report worksheet   TD can use this worksheet to keep track of information during a competition that can later be used when filing the online Technical Delegate Report Form.
    *TD Report form   TD uses this online form to report on licensed  competitions. (Competition Manual 7.1 )
    USEF GR1306 Professional/Volunteer Status  USEF 2022 Each rider is required to declare their professional or amateur status upon renewing their USAWE membership each year. Riders must comply with USEF Rule GR1306 that defines amateur and professional status.


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