Affiliate Organization Resources

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e

Affiliate Organization Resources

Are you an Affiliate Organization leader or part of your AO management team looking for resources to help your AO grow?  You’ve come to the right place.


AO Resources

Download our helpful resources for Affiliate Organizations.  We add more every year.

USAWE AO Leader Resources

USAWE Affiliate Organization Handbook v.3, 7/7/23

USAWE Affiliate Organization Logo (300 x 286px)

USAWE Affiliate Organization Logo (400 x 150px)

Request a vinyl Logo Banner

A Success Format for WE Clubs

Promoting Your Event on Facebook

Coordinating Zone Events

Add Event to WE Calendar

AO Activity Resources

Beginning Steps to Develop Your AO

Ideas for Building Momentum

Ideas for Running Clinics

WE Shows Clinic Handout

“What is WE?” Handout

Building WE Obstacles

Cattle Work Without Cattle

Sample Licensed Show Program

Sample Schooling Show Program

Trade Show Grants for Affiliate Organizations


USAWE designed this to facilitate educating the equestrian community about the sport of Working Equitation. It will also promote USA Working Equitation (USAWE) by helping Affiliate Organizations (AOs) manning a Working Equitation booth at large trade shows to offset expenses associated with attending the event.

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