R4 June 2024

REGION By: Kiki Pantaze — Region 4 Director I am excited to say that Region 4 is experiencing growth and here is some news from our active states. Oklahoma Seth and Michelle Marshal have been hosting WE clinics in Oklahoma and generating momentum for WE. They have...
Texas Hotshots Show 2023 End

Texas Hotshots Show 2023 End

Helen Hogan of Texas didn’t let being 82 years old stop her from competing in her second show on The Moniet Nevaeh. Hillary Akers Hillary Akers of  Kansas won L1 Amateur on her mare OTC Ayasha  Linda Frasier of Kansas won L3 Open on Star Lights Red Cat December 8-9th,...
Sharon Miesen

Sharon Miesen

REGION 4 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Sharon Miesen Sharon Miesen has been horse crazy from 2 years old, but had to wait until that first job before getting a horse of her own.   She has competed in eventing, jumpers, various types of competitive trail,  and loves foxhunting. ...

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