Professional Instructor: Susan L. Watkins of Sue Watkins Training

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e
Susan Watkins-jumping

Susan L. Watkins

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Riverside, CA


  • Lessons/Clinics on-site
  • Travels for Lessons/Clinics
  • Obstacles available on-site
  • Offers Instruction to L6 Advanced

Susan L. Watkins

Riverside, CA
Sue Watkins Professional Instructor

Connect with Sue via Social Media,


or her website:


  • Lessons on-farm
  • Travels for lessons
  • Clinics on-farm
  • Travels for clinics
  • Training board
  • Board
  • Horse Sales

Susan Watkins has been training and competing in Working Equitation since 2010 when she accepted an invitation to help organize the sport in the USA. She has competed in every discipline from ranch roping to jumpers to dressage to circus liberty and movie horses for over 45 years. Now her focus is exclusively on Working Equitation.

Since attending the first USA judges training course from Portuguese WAWE judges trainer Claudia Elsner Matos in 2012, she has been educated by, trained with, scribed, or shadowed: Jose Manuel Correia Lopes, WAWE Antonio Vicente, WAWE José Andrés Benito, WAWE Juan Jose del Valle, and WAWE Joao Ralao.

Susan Watkins is a USAWE recognized Professional Instructor and has earned her ‘R’ judge’s card in the USA as well as her ‘M’ judge’s card in Canada. She is also a licensed Technical Delegate in both countries. She is also a carded Gypsy Vanner Judge. She has judged and taught clinics in the USA, Canada and Mexico. She is currently the Chairman of the Professional Development Committee which oversees the Professional Instructor program.

Sue has shown horses in all levels from L1 Introductory to L6 Advanced in both Dressage and Western tack. She has earned over 35 WE championships, top 3, top 5 and top 10 finishes at the national. zone, regional and local levels, as well as numerous National #1 breed awards. She has trained and competed on BLM Mustangs, Kiger Mustangs, Gypsy Vanners. PREs and Lusitanos. She was the 2021 – L4 Regional Champion, 2021- L1- Regional Reserve Champion, 2022 – L2 Zone Champion, 2023- L2 R2 Leaderboard Champion, 2023- National L2 Reserve Champion, 2023 – 3rd R2 leaderboard L5 highpoint, 2023- 3rd Leaderboard L4 highpoint. And she has earned both her Bronze and Silver Lifetime Rider Medals.

With a lifetime focused on understanding the true psychology of the horse by gentling 100’s of wild mustangs, as well as years of knowledge from training many breeds in numerous disciplines, Sue immediately saw how amazing the sport of Working Equitation is for creating confidence and harmony between horses and riders who can be educated and progress together in a fun and positive environment.

Sue offers lessons, training and clinics in Basic Horsemanship, Working Equitation, Dressage, Traditional Californios Bridle Horse training from Hackamore to Spade, Western Dressage, Classical Horsemanship, and Obstacle Trials at her facility ‘the Equine Obstacle Training Center’ in Riverside, California, USA. She can help you whether you are in a hackamore, snaffle, double bridle, or spade, English or Western. She also travels fulltime throughout North America competing, judging licensed shows, and providing WE seminars and clinics for riders of all levels and disciplines. Whether it is your first day on a horse as a hobby rider or your 30th year as a National top contender she will help you achieve your Working Equitation goals.

Please contact Susan Watkins at any time for all your Working Equitation needs.

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USA Working Equitation
Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e
Susan Watkins-jumping
Sue Watkins Professional Instructor
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