Committee Reports: Sept 2022

Membership Committee

  • USAWE Membership 983 (93 Juniors)
  • Region 1: 256
  • Region 2: 259
  • Region 3: 75
  • Region 4: 56
  • Region 5: 122
  • Region 6: 128
  • Region 7: 75
  • International: 12
By: Olga Hendrickson, Membership Committee Chair

Youth Committee

Membership Spotlight

Amelia Avery, 14 years old, competing for 2 years in working equitation.

“Duke was my first horse and I got him when I was ten years old. It was an absolute dream come true for me -but underneath that dream was a complex story of a mistreated and misused horse who had aggressive tendencies due to mistrust and chronic pain. Duke was in need of a lot of TLC and a “mental reset” when it came to work. Constant work with vets and farriers led us to move him to Aisling Ranch, where we began our uphill journey. Duke underwent four months of training with my incredibly talented trainer, Megan, where we were first introduced to Working Equitation. Using all the different obstacles to educate Duke about his body and mind made so much of a difference. The different phases kept us entertained and thinking-we also found his love for working cattle through Working Equitation! It challenged us in all the right ways and helped us grow as a pair and as individuals. Showing Duke all the new obstacles built so much trust and rapport. He will work through almost every scary object with me. Duke is a completely different horse now thanks to Working Equitation. We currently train and compete at Novice A, but he is a wonderful introduction for new youth to the world of Working Equitation-Maddie just started riding a couple of months ago and is now competing at Intro with Duke! Duke is an incredible teacher and is so patient and willing to work. Without Working Equitation and my trainer (who also competes), Duke would be an explosive emotional train wreck. The wonderful community at shows has built us up and showing him is an absolute joy. I am so incredibly proud of how far my boy has come, and I look forward to competing more and watching other kids compete on him!” -Amelia Avery


By: Youth  Committee Members

Licensed Officials Committee

The Licensed Officials Committee would like to invite the USAWE membership to join us via Zoom on Wednesday, September 21 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time (6:00 Mountain, 7:00 Central, 8:00 Eastern) for a LOC Hot Topics- Fall 2022 Webinar.  

In this Hot Topics Webinar, we will talk about questions and situations that our licensed officials have observed over the past few competition months that we can provide clarity on and we will also hear a report from LOC Co-Chair, Doreen Atkinson on the Working Equitation World Championships in Les Herbiers, France this past summer.  

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 012588
Or One tap mobile :
US: +16699009128,,85288453275#,,,,*012588#  or +16694449171,,85288453275#,,,,*012588#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 669 900 9128  or +1 669 444 9171  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 719 359 4580  or +1 386 347 5053  or +1 564 217 2000  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 646 931 3860  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 309 205 3325  or +1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 852 8845 3275
Passcode: 012588
International numbers available:

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

USAWE International Competition Task Force

Composition of Task Force

Comprised of five individuals who must be current USAWE members in good standing: USAWE president and president-elect, and three others from nominations by USAWE members and selected by the Board of Directors. The chairperson of the task force will be designated by task force members from the three appointed positions. The chairperson will serve as spokesperson for the task force, and as liaison with international working equitation counterparts. The International Competition Task Force (ICTF) is a temporary task force convened to draft and oversee the development of USAWE’s international competition platform. It will be in force for up to 12 months from formation. After the 12-month term, the USAWE Board of Directors may extend the term or opt to merge task force activities into one or more official committees.

Description of International Competition Task Force Responsibilities

Develop, oversee and manage all aspects USAWE’s international competition policies and procedures, including but not limited to:

  • Develop criteria for selection of USA National Team from qualified competitor pool
  • Create national team tack and attire requirements
  • Serve as USAWE’s liaison with WAWE and manages other international competition relationships
  • Assist with making arraignments for USAWE’s participation in international competition
  • Reports to USAWE’s Board of Directors and provides regular updates, briefs on international WE competition events, and seeks board approvals when appropriate and/or required by USAWE Bylaws.

Preferred Qualifications for Task Force Appointees

  • Extensive Knowledge of Working Equitation and USAWE organization
  • Experience working in an international role or environment
  • Upper-level riding and/or equestrian credentials
  • Diverse knowledge of the equestrian sector
  • Excellent interpersonal and team-building skills
  • Demonstrated computer and electronic communication skills

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