WE Post: R6 March 2023

R6 March 2023

Category: Announcements


By: Karen Miller

New England Working Equitation News

WOW! So much good WE activity going on in New England. In addition to hosting the Eastern Zone Championship Show Sept 21-24 in Dillsburg, PA, NEWE has 5 USAWE licensed Shows with Schooling options (one with a Cattle Trial), 2 clinics with “S” judges Polly Limond and Doreen Atkinson, a Cattle Trial clinic, and other clinics scheduled in every New England state. Be sure to check out our calendar at www.newenglandwe.com

Our Virtual Schooling Series will come to an end for 2023 this month. If you’d like to submit a video of your dressage or EOH round visit https://www.newenglandwe.com/virtual-schooling-series

Visit our EZC facebook page “2023 USAWE Eastern Zone Championship”  to learn more about how NEWE and the amazing EZC Show Committee is going to make it the best show in the country! 

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