WE Post: R6 July 2022

R6 July 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Kim Hillyer

Hello Region 6 members.  I hope everyone is having a safe and fun summer with their horses and WE.  There are still plenty of USAWE sanctioned shows still on the schedule for this year yet to take place, and lots of schooling shows and clinics around the region.

The big event, the Eastern Zone Championships, is shaping up and lots of people are looking forward to attending.  I hope all those that qualified come, and those that need scores to qualify, get out there and earn those scores.  We’d love to see you in Tennessee!

Here are some things to look forward to at the Eastern Zone Championships:

Quick update from ERAHC on our Eastern Zone Championships!

The Prize List is nearly ready for launch and will be posted to the public well before entries open so everyone has plenty of time to plan. Lots of great activities in the works for the event, including a silent auction, games for kids and adults, competitor parties and more! Details will be included in the prize list and announced when entries open.

Announcements for the EZC are being made on the Facebook page for the event, check it out! Please be sure to check the page out and share the pages announcements to help get the word out about the event.


The EZC will need more sponsorship to make it the best Championship in the country. Sponsorship is vital to making this event not just good, but GREAT! There are many ways to contribute to the event detailed in the sponsorship package, you can even choose what you would like to contribute! Including sponsoring an Obstacle for the event and have your name or a name in memory of a person or horse announced throughout the show. Help make a positive impact on the promotion of the sport of Working Equitation in the US by contributing to the Eastern Zone Championships.

Click the link below to donate today!


2023 Zone Championships

Also, our region needs to be thinking about the 2023 Zone Championship.  Maybe a few AO’s could get together to put this event on!  Bids were due by May 31st this year for the 2023 zone championships.  If no other bids are received prior to the deadline (non have been as far as I know) then those late bids will be considered.   Refer to the competitions manual for the information needed to put in a bid.  Here is the link to that manual.  Section 1.1.2.


If you’d like to submit a rule change for the 2023 show year, those request forms must be submitted by August 1st.  Below is the link for that form.   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScROrxQyVlO4nzMtLwY9tYKq-Yy_bHizbSIksFY5rgyZRlSvw/viewform

In other news:

Entries are now open for two NEWE USAWE licensed shows at Gelinas Farm, Pembroke, NH, September 3rd and 4th. Cattle Trial to be held September 4. Cattle clinic to be held September 2. For more information

Happy Riding!
Kim Hillyer

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