WE Post: R6 July 2021

R6 July 2021

Category: Announcements


By: Kimberly Hillyer

Hello Region 6 members! 

The weather has been very hot where I am, and it sure makes wanting to go out and sweat not so exciting.  At least we started to get some much needed rain.  I hope everyone is getting to ride. 

I, along with several other USAWE members, participated in a cattle working clinic held in south central PA.  It was a first for most of us.  It was a great opportunity to learn how to work and read cattle.  Can’t wait for more of those opportunities.  It was so cool to see what all of the other WE trials are working towards.

The region has been very busy with clinics and shows.  The northern part of our region has been doing judges tours which include clinics and rated shows.  The southern part has also had several rated shows as well.  So lots of opportunities. 

Check out the USAWE calendar to see what is going on near you.

There are some areas of Region 6 that are in need of USAWE Affiliate Organizations.  If you are thinking about the possibility of starting an Affiliate Organization with USAWE, and have questions, shoot me an email or give me a call, and I will help you get started. 

Kimberly Hillyer

Clinic and Play Day information

Working Equitation Clinics with Stephanie Hayes.
For more information contact vtblackpony@aol.com or 802-730-5400

September 4 Center for America’s First Horse, Johnson, VT

September 11-12 Clinic with “S” judge Doreen Atkinson, Center for America’s First Horse, Johnson, VT

Iron Rock Farm, LLC, Dover, PA

WE Play day schedule.  Events will be posted on the Iron Rock Farm Facebook page closer to the event dates with sign ups.  These are certainly geared towards newbies.  Come learn about Working Equitation, learn to ride the EOH obstacles, or just come to practice on the obstacles.

Contact Kim Hillyer for more information at ironrockfarm-hillyer@comcast.net, or 717-487-3648

July 31
August 12
August 21
September 4
Sept 25
Oct 16
Oct 30

Let’s hear from our AO’s:

Oak Spring Equestrian, LLC
Email: oakspringequestrianllc@gmail.com

Website   Facebook page

Oak Spring Equestrian Activity Report
Report Date:  July 14, 2021

June/July– 2021

  • The end of June and most of July has been pretty quiet at the farm.   We have had a few impromptu play days working on introducing the sport to new people.
  • Next up is ERHAHC number 3 & 4 in New Jersey.  We have 4 horse/riders participating.  Karen Heist riding Revolving Gunner (Rosco) at Intro.  Rebecca Gabel riding RS Alegre (Alegre) at Intro.  Barb Sullivan riding Aluinn Wyatt (Wyatt) at Intro.  Holly Linz of Keep Stables riding Vadriero at Novice A and Zamingo at Intermediate B.  Good Luck to everyone.

Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club (ERAHC)
Email: cornerstoneandalusians@gmail.com
Phone #: 908-489-2069
   Website   Facebook page

ERAHC’s 3A and 3B USAWE approved WE Shows in our show series was this coming weekend in Allentown, NJ at the Horse Park of New Jersey.

Our judge is Susan Watkins, an “R” judge from Riverside, CA. This will be our first time having Sue as our Judge. We look very forward to meeting her!

We decide to change our show from a one 2-day show to two 1-day shows and people were thrilled. We have 20 competitors (the most we could take) on Saturday and 19 competitors on Sunday. It looks to be a hot, but enjoyable weekend. Stay tuned for the results.

Our next show in the series is August 28-29, 2021 at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, VA. We have invited Doreen Atkinson from West, TX to be our Judge and look forward to working with her again.

For all show information go to erahc.org. Come visit and/or compete with us.

See you next month!
Mindy Finelli

Eastern Pennsylvania Working Equitation
Email: EastPAWE@gmail.com
Phone: 302-983-0566
   Facebook page

EPAWE hosted their first WE schooling show July 10 at Collective Roots Dressage, Cochranville with Allison Reed judging and providing feedback. There were 7 intro riders, 4 Novice A, 1 Novice B and  1Intermediate B. Several riders made their WE show debut!

We would like to thank the participants, volunteers and the CRD family including Melissa Gallagher and Kate Thomas. Each rider gave 100% for dressage and EOH. Then came the speed trial! The riders and spectators all had fun! Cheering and thundering hooves! Smart lines and lots of spearing of the ring!

The obstacles are set up in the outdoor ring and available for practicing. Contact Kate through our Facebook page to set up a time!

So what are our next goals???? Becoming an affiliate group in February, successful clinic May 22-23 and schooling show July 10. That’s a lot in 5 months!

We are looking into another clinic this fall and an additional schooling show. We learned a lot and look forward to growing this sport in our area. Check out our Facebook page for videos and pictures!

New England Working Equitation
Email: newenglandworkingequitation@gmail.com
Phone #: 802-738-5299
   Website   Facebook page

Here’s a current list of our NEWE events for 2021:
July 27 Clinic with Kat Waters, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock, VT
July 31 Clinic with Stephanie Hayes, Four Seasons Stables at Tabletop Farm, Lanesborough MA

—August Judge Tour with Tarrin Warren—
August 14-15 B Rated Working Equitation Show, Vermont State Fairgrounds, Rutland, VT
August 17 Clinic in Bradford, ME
August 19-21 Clinic with Tarrin Warren, Gelinas Farm, Pembroke, NH
August 22 B Rated Show, Gelinas Farm, Pembroke, NH
August 28 Connemara Working Equitation Clinic with Kat Waters, Springfield, VT
August 31 Clinic with Kat Waters, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock, VT
September 4 Clinic with Stephanie Hayes, Center for America’s First Horse, Johnson, VT
September 11-12 Clinic with Doreen Atkinson, Center for America’s First Horse, Johnson, VT
September 13 Clinic with Doreen Atkinson, Centerline Farm, Rutland, VT

September 17-19 Region 6 Championship Show, The Grange Equine Center, Centre Hall, PA

September 21 Clinic with Kat Waters, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock, VT

Looking for entries? Thinking about volunteering? Interested in hosting a clinic with one of our Judge Tours? Interested in becoming a USAWE Licensed Official? Contact us for more information!  newenglandworkingequitation@gmail.com

Join us for the first regional championship to be held in the United States at the top class facility: the Grange Park Equine Center in Centre Hall, PA.

It’s sure to be a fabulous weekend bringing our Region 6 WE family together! Entries are coming in fast, get your entry in today!

Not up for competing? Set up camp at the Park and volunteer or spectate!

Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE)
Email: novawe.info@gmail.com
   Website   Facebook page

Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) participated in many ways at the Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club (ERAHC) show at Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA, June 5-6th.

Our membership provided the volunteers and many of our members competed collecting positive experiences, ribbons, and sharing smiles. Thanks again, ERAHC for producing this show, and we hope you will be back to Northern Virginia next year.

NOVAWE members continued to volunteer their time and talents to the success of our shows and events, but a special mention is warranted for Stephanie Jennings (NOVAWE Business Member, Pro Horse Services https://prohorseservices.com) who managed the collection and transportation of obstacles for the ERAHC Show at Frying Pan Park as well as an earlier NOVAWE schooling show at the same venue. It is because of our volunteers and hard working NOVAWE Board that so many WE show and clinic opportunities are afforded to our membership.

NOVAWE continued with its educational clinics as Melissa “Mills” Smith provided Newbies, Intros, and Novice level riders instruction in a NOVAWE clinic at Blue Top Farm on June 26th.  Mills is owner of SmartAlex Equestrian https://www.smartalexequestrian.com/, one of our Business Members, and she also regularly donates her time to help organize our herd of volunteers and manage events.  Thank you Mills for all you do for WE and NOVAWE.

NOVAWE welcomed new Business Member Kate Hall’s Aster Equine Photography – see the spotlight article on NOVAWE’s Website.   https://novawe.org/

NOVAWE is busy planning for our next Schooling Show, August 7th at Almeda Farm in Boyce, VA.

With the Virginia heat there is a lot of early morning and evening riding happening, but the NOVAWE board and membership continue working together to grow the WE sport.

Working Equitation of Central Pennsylvania
Email: Kathir@Rikore.com
Phone: 717-601-0802  Website  Facebook page

Happy riding!
Kim Hillyer
USAWE R-6 director

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