WE Post: R6 Feb. 2022

R6 Feb. 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Kim Hillyer

Hello Region 6 members.  Depending on where you are, you’ve been getting these warm weather teasers.  It sure gets people excited about getting out on their horses.  The Region 6 Facebook page already has 40 events listed on the events page.  They range from play days to clinics, and schooling shows, to sanctioned (rated) shows.  How exciting!   If you don’t see something near you, and want to organize something, let me know and I can help you.  https://www.facebook.com/USA-Working-Equitation-Region-6-104203648205844/events/?ref=page_internal

I want to welcome another new Affiliate Organization to Region 6.  Working Equitation of Southeastern Virginia (Fort Eustis, VA).  Main contact is Melissa Evelyn @ Email: WEofSEVA@gmail.com, Phone: 919-740-2320, Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/weseva.  This AO already has clinics and shows on the calendar.  Lots of learning opportunities available. 

Other very exciting news, many of you may already know about, is the Eastern Zone (Regions 6 and 7) has a USA Working Equitation Championship show scheduled.  This show will be on November 3 – 6.  Thursday will be the vet check for all championship show entries, and the competition will begin on Friday.  The show will be in Bulls Gap, Tennessee at the 3 Bulls, LLC, hosted by the Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club.  As more information comes available, we will post it on the Region 6 Facebook page.  A separate Facebook page, and website are being worked on, so we can share any exciting developments with you.  Put this on your calendar.  If you don’t qualify this year for the Championships, plan to come any way!  There will also be a rated show run in conjunction with the Championship.   If you don’t plan to show at all, plan to come and cheer on the riders and volunteer. 

I’m looking forward to another exciting year of growth and learning.  I am also looking forward to meeting new people, and getting to participate in this great sport.

Happy Riding

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