WE Post: R5 Nov. 2021

R5 Nov. 2021

Category: Announcements


By: Alex Tyson

Last month Region 5 held their USAWE Region 5 Championship show! Everyone referred to it as the “best region 5 show” because it is the first time Region 5 had a Region 5 Championship; and also the last time because in 2022 USAWE is moving to a zone model instead of Regionals. So, the title will stick!

The competition was held at the Hoosier Horse Park in southern Indiana with 30 participants. It was truly an all inclusive affair with participants from Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Our Judges Nichole Chastain and Cari Swartz were from California, and Washington respectively. Our TD was from Kentucky and our show Manager from Oregon! Working Equitation brings people together from all over the country, and I love sharing with sport with people from all over! Fun highlights of the show were the welcome dinner on Friday night, the “WE JUBILEE” which is basically a barn party where everyone does a themed stall party in front of their stalls. Everyone participated, whether in a group or as and individuals! We had costumes, food, drinks, a limbo pole, magic show, dances, singing, and more! Rach Riding Academy also organized a line dance to the “get up” song and about half or so of the participants where in the line dance after the show, which was filmed in the arena and afterwards put on youtube!

So many people stepped up to organize the show and make it great, and it will go down in history I am sure as the “Best Region 5 Championship”!

Planning is already underway for the highly anticipated inaugural Central Zone Championships that will include Region 5 in 2022. I am an addict for the big shows, so I can’t wait till all the details are announced and I can start planning!

I will not be remining on the board in 2022, but hope to stay involved in committees, local shows, events, and clinics in Michigan, and perhaps even organize an Equine Affair Demo in Ohio next year. Both of the candidates for Region 5 Director in the current election are excellent, and whoever wins, we will be in good hands. At the time of writing this newsletter entry Region 5 not only had the most competitions on the books for the 2021 season, but we also had the most participation in the election! Well done Region 5! You are all so wonderful, and you make this sport what it is, the best one around!

I am sure I will see you at a show in 2022, until then, happy trails!

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