WE Post: R1 Oct. 2022

R1 Oct. 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Heather Humelbaugh

Greetings from Region 1!

We are an active region and events continue throughout the rest of the year, Including a rated show this weekend at the Oregon Horse Center in Eugene, OR.  Idaho continues to ramp their activities up. You can find Idaho activities in two different FB groups: Working Equitation Team Idaho and WE Idaho Oregon Trail Working Equitation. If you are in Montana, find Working Equitation Montana on FB. In Alaska? Their page is Alaska Working Equitation.

The next item to bring to your attention is this year’s elections for Region 1, you’ll be voting for the next Board of Director’s President Elect, and Secretary. Candidate statements are posted on the website. Go to Corporate, then Election Information, then scroll ALL the way down to read each candidate’s statements. You will be scrolling past the timeline for voting, so please look at that information and remember to vote.

Also coming up is our Western Zone Championship. For 2022 this event will be help in Scottsdale, AZ, Dec. 9th-11th. It includes a cattle trial. You still have time to qualify for this event. All information regarding qualifying scores as well as the entry form can be found on the website under the ‘Competitions’ tab.

Shout out to all of the dedicated committee members for working so hard on year-end reviews, data collection review and changes. The dedication of the volunteers in this sport is second-to-none.

Happy trails until next month.

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