WE Post: R1 June 2023

R1 June 2023

Category: Announcements


By: Heather Humelbaugh

Region 1 is ACTIVE with ACTIVITY!  Alaska recently held a W.E. Clinic taught by our own Trisha Reed Equestrian. Judge Kim Roe is hosting several clinics this summer at her Blue Gate farm in Washington, and Caitlyn Day-Huntress and Cari Schwartz teamed up with Lake Oswego Hunt club for a series of clinic and schooling show opportunities in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Meanwhile Idaho held its very first rated show hosted by Working Equitation Club Idah (AO)  and a whole bunch of folks had a great time at WE in Wine Country held in Milton-Freewater, OR. Not to be left out, Montana has a show series going on at Big Sky Horse Park in Missoula and Southern Oregon has hosted some clinic opportunities as well!

If you have not yet filled out the survey regarding Regional vs Zone shows, please take the time to do so. Search your email for a link, or the USAWE National FB page. Last check there were over 200 responses received. We have 900+ members across the nation and we’d like to hear from ALL of YOU because YOU are W.E. and YOU are a voice we want to hear from.

I’ll be at the next W.E. Oregon show on June 24th & 25th. Please come find me, if you’re there and you have questions and/or concerns regarding W.E. 

Take Care!

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