WE Post: R1 July 2022

R1 July 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Heather Humelbaugh

Hello from Montana! Reporting to you from CNC 2022 where we are learning, meeting and sharing with W.E. enthusiasts from across the USA, and from multiple countries! So much fun. Check out the 2022 Cross-National WE Camp and Cup FB page for photos!

The biggest item to pay attention to in Region 1 is that we have not had any proposals submitted for 2023 Zone Championships. Proposals were due in May. If there are any interested event organizers…there is still time! Please let me know if you have any interest in hosting the Zone Championships in 2023. 

Our next Region 1 competition is scheduled for August 20 & 21 in Eugene, Oregon but keep your eye on the WE Idaho Oregon Trail Working Equitation FB page. This group is ramping up clinics, schooling shows and other learning opportunities in the Idaho area. 

That’s it for now folks! I am off to clean my pony and my tack before the Cup begins.

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