Region 5 Affiliate Organization

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e

Wisconsin – Mason

The Sunrise Ranch

The Sunrise Ranch Logo

Facebook: USA WE RIDERS -Working Equitation
Facebook: Adrienne Dymesich

The Sunrise Ranch
Mason, WI

Main Contact: Adrienne Dymesich

The Sunrise Ranch (SRR) is a training/instruction facility and stud farm in northern Wisconsin. For many years the Dymesich family has been starting family-safe trail and sport horses using classical foundation methods.

Personally, the Dymesich family competes in Endurance, Working Equitation, Jumping, Sorting, Liberty, Working Cattle, and new things every year.

The SRR hosts equestrian clinics and shows and offers private lessons on riding, training, and horsemanship for all ages year-round. The SRR is known across the country for producing top-quality classical Morgans as well as Andalusian and Welsh cross for sport.

All breeding stock are advanced under saddle for quality assessment and all foals are genetically tested for gait and color before listing. The SRR herd of Scottish Highland cattle provides for the ranch family and herding them is a part of the saddle training of the SRR horses.

The Sunrise Ranch feels that Working Equitation is the perfect skill to advance the partnership of horse and rider and it is enthusiastic to promote the sport in the Northland of Region 5.

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Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e
The Sunrise Ranch Logo
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