By: Cera Olsen — Region 6 Director
Hello, Region 6!
We had a great representation and turnout at the World Horse Expo in PA. The same weekend, we held a demo in VA. Way to go representing USAWE!!
So many great events are happening around the Region as we prepare for the Season. The first licensed show is in April, but don’t discount schooling shows, clinics, and we are preparing an unmounted clinic in order to do some preparation that does not require a horse trailer! Watch our facebook page for more details, as well as the show schedule!! Our AOs have some fantastic updates as well!!
New England Working Equitation
We are happy to announce that NEWE has purchased a brand new, professional dressage court for our shows! Thanks to our membership funds, donations and profits from our shows since 2022 we raised enough to make this investment. We’re excited to be putting it up for our first show of 2024 at Equanimity Farm in NH, June 8th, followed by a clinic with our judge, Andre Ganc June 9th.
The first licensed show in Northern Vermont just got scheduled for September 21. This will be the first show that The Center for America’s First Horse has held and we look forward to seeing more riders from Vermont attend. Our judge will be Rebecca Algar and TD is Deb Quillinan. September in Johnson, Vermont is a beautiful time of year with the fall foliage.
There are quite a few clinics scheduled for the New England area. Please visit our calendar. https://www.newenglandwe.com/calendar.
Working Equitation East
Watch our Facebook and events page for details. Still time to register for the first licensed show in April at Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA!
EPAWE had a great turnout for a February play day! March 16 is EOH obstacle clinic with Stephanie Jennings. Looking forward to April and May schooling shows with our 1st licensed show of 2024 on May 5 with Polly Limond.
Wrapping up our virtual education sessions on 3/12!
Great kickoff to WE 2024!
The KDCTA has 2 play days and 2 schooling shows planned for 2024. Play days are free for KDCTA members. Dates are Jun 15 and Aug 10 in Alexandria, PA. Our schooling shows are May 18 in Altoona, PA and Sept 22 in Centre Hall, PA
All info can be found on our www.KDCTA.org website and events created on our FB page