By: Cera Olsen — Region 6 Director
Region 6! Keep up all your hard work. I know everyone has been doing awesome things throughout the winter. Our season begins with the Frying Pan show 20-21 April. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, and your AO pages for other events. Now that the season has begun, the next event will come quickly. 🙂 Here are what your AOs have to add. Thank you for your continued participation; We appreciate you every day!
Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) started off the 2024 season with a fabulous clinic in March with Jane Renner of Tennessee. Riders learned new skills and improved under Jane’s professional expertise!
Currently, NOVAWE is taking entries for two events in June. Polly Limond, Licensed “S” Judge, will be in Northern Virginia providing her knowledge, WE experience at a WE clinic on Friday, June 7, 2024. On Saturday and Sunday, June 8 th & 9 th , Polly will be the judge at the NOVAWE Licensed Show at Frying Pan Farm Park.
The prize list for the show can be found on their website: https://novawe.org/novawe-information-documents/
Here are the links to sign up:
Clinic with Polly Limond – https://form.jotform.com/240377018770154
USAWE Licensed Show – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJTB_O0AApEw5C_rV0VE5n6TG9J–sWPbAP8VwFdjSW1sciw/viewform
Stabling/Haul In Form for clinic and/or show – https://form.jotform.com/240458335427054
USAWE Licensed Show – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJTB_O0AApEw5C_rV0VE5n6TG9J–sWPbAP8VwFdjSW1sciw/viewform
Stabling/Haul In Form for clinic and/or show – https://form.jotform.com/240458335427054
New York State Working Equitation is accepting new members, and hosting several activities this summer. Starting in May, we have monthly group lessons in Eastern and Western NY. Dates are May 19, June 23, July 14, August 11, and September 15, with a schooling show on October 13. Members received reduced fees for events.
Friday, July 19th NYSWE hosts a clinic with Susan Watkins at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds in NY. Also at the fairgrounds, on the 20th and 21st, are two USAWE-sanctioned shows with Susan as the judge.
For details about our events, please visit our Facebook page (NYSWorkingEq) or our website (www.NYSWE.com).