By: Sara Barnwell — Region 5 Director

Hello Region 5!  This year is absolutely flying by!  It is hard to believe that we are quickly approaching our last few shows of the season.  In addition to our licensed shows in the region, we also have a group getting ready to head to Tennessee for the championship show very soon.  Please continue to follow our Facebook page for events, including clinics and other opportunities: USA Working Equitation – Region 5.  

It is time to start planning for next year!  I know many show managers have shows scheduled or tentatively scheduled.  Please keep me posted on your plans so we can collaborate as a team!  I am super happy that we do have an approved Regional Championship show for next year in October so we will start planning for that later this fall.  We will be looking for sponsors, volunteers and hopefully everyone is going to plan to attend!  More info coming soon!

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions, need additional information or if you want to chat!  You can reach me on Facebook or email (  

Region 2 September Update group photo
Region 2 September Update group photo from working equitation show

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USA Working Equitation
Region 2 September Update group photo
Region 2 September Update group photo from working equitation show
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