Region 6 Affiliate Organization

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e

Pennsylvania – Tyrone

Keystone Dressage and Combined Training Association

Keystone Dressage and Combined Training Association

Phone: (814) 931-0360
Facebook page: Keystone Dressage and Combined Training

Keystone Dressage and Combined Training Association (KDCTA)
767 Washington Ave.
Tyrone, PA 16686

Main Contact: Stephanie Dobiss

USDF GMO in Central PA offers regularly scheduled meetings, Opportunity to join the KDCTA Grand Quadrille Drill Team; Access to a variety of programs and clinics; Dressage and Working Equitation Shows.

Are you interested in becoming an Affiliate Organization in your area? Find out more information on our main AO page and join the growing sport of Working Equitation!

Looking for Affiliate Organization and Working Equitation Resources to help your organization run smoothly? Be sure to check out our AO Resources page!

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