By: Cera Olson — Region 6 Director
Championships is right around the corner. Make sure you get your registration in. The entries close at the end of September. Don’t worry, if you are qualified, you will be given priority. If you are not qualified, there is still a licensed show. The Three Bulls Facility is such a beautiful facility for our Eastern Zones Championship!! Below are the inputs from some of our AOs. I want to thank them for everything they do!! We would not have such amazing events without their hard work.
New England Working Equitation
Congratulations on your successes to NEWE members Keaghan Pike (NH) L2, Helen Thompson (NY) L4 and Stephanie Hayes (VT) L1 and L5 who attended the USAWE licensed show in Schaghticoke, NY July 20-21, hosted by NYSWE. NEWE member Linda Ritzer (MA) attended as groom and volunteer extraordinaire, lending a hand wherever needed.
September 8-9 NEWE is hosting a cattle and EOH clinic at Gelinas Farm in Pembroke, NH. The clinic is full with a waiting list which shows the enthusiasm of riders in New England who are interested in learning more and refining their skills.
September 21-22 NEWE is hosting 2 one day shows at Equanimity Farm in Pembroke, NH. “S” Judge Rebecca Algar (FL) will be presiding and Deb Quillinan (NY) as our TD. We expect many entries as this will be the last NEWE hosted show for the season.
Planning is already underway for 2025 and we hope to hear from our members what kind of events they are interested in attending.
Happy Riding!

Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) held a schooling WE show on August 10, 2024. We had 12 riders in 3 levels and 6 divisions including a Youth rider! We were so appreciative of Amie Perryman (VA) who was our judge. The show was held at Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon, VA. The show would not have been possible without our wonderful volunteers. On Sunday, NOVAWE hosted a Member and Volunteer Appreciation Day in the Indoor at Frying Pan so that our volunteers and members could practice on the WE obstacles from the show. Everyone had a great time!
Here are the results

KDCTA will be having a WE schooling show on Sept 22nd in Centre Hall, PA. Info can be found at our website or on Strider by searching KDCTA. Holly Linz will be judging.
Had 4 riders attend a play day clinic on Aug 10th.
Working Equitation of SE Virginia
WE of SE Va has begun holding schooling shows and clinics. Love to see AOs expanding to address the needs of the members. Keep an eye out for more events in the SE Virginia area!
Rider Highlight – Kim Hillyer
As a typical “horse crazy” kid, I wished, on every first star and candle I blew out, for a horse. I finally started hunt seat lessons at the age of 8 and got my first pony that first year. I competed on the “A” circuit in Equitation and Pony Jumpers while also being a member of the United States Pony Club. Then, at the age of 12, Eventing became my passion. I achieved my Pony Club “A” rating at the age of 16, and have been teaching since the age of 15. While in College at Murray State University, I competed on the Intercollegiate Team and learned Western Stock Seat Equitation and became the National Champion my first year riding western.
After getting married, we moved to south central PA in 1990. I switched from Eventing to Dressage in 1995, and competed up through 4th Level. I also became involved with our local USDF GMO, the International Equestrian Organization, and I served on the board and as President for many years.
After watching many Working Equitation videos, I became enamored with the sport, and was dying to know where it was being done near me. I finally found a clinic in Maryland, and became instantly hooked. In 2019, I became one of the founding members of the Northern Virginia Working Equitation Affiliate Organization. Then, when USA Working Equitation was formed, I was the first Region 6 Director and on the first board of USAWE. I have also served on the Ethics Committee, I am currently on the Competitions Committee. My hope is to soon have the time needed to get the Working Equitation of South Central PA Affiliate Organization organized and active in Working Equitation.
Facility Highlight
Collective Roots Dressage has been the primary supporter of Working Equitation in Southeastern Pennsylvania since 2019. Melissa Gallagher welcomed Nicole Chastain to Cochranville and introduce a bunch of horse enthusiasts to the WE sport. During 2020, EPAWE established a membership group and volunteers gathered barrels, recruited a bridge/gate builder and built a bull! In 2021, Melissa, an FEI dressage rider and advocate of natural horsemanship, continued to support WE at CRD by being the host Farm for all EPAWE activities including a Clinic and the first Schooling show. Most importantly, Melissa has met many of the riders and enjoys the supportive, happy environment of showing together. She has also participated in schooling shows with her own top level dressage horse, Flash. CRD is an active training barn for dressage and natural horsemanship. Sitting on 20+ acres, there are multiple paddocks, a huge 110 x 220’ indoor arena with a breezeway, connecting to a large barn. The equally large outdoor ring is home to Working Equitation obstacles for approximately five months of the year. Melissa encourages riders to school the obstacles, have play days, clinics, Schooling shows and events. Kate Thomas the barn manager works hand in hand w EPAWE with all working equitation events. Without the support of CRD as our home farm, and the donation of space to house the obstacles and support the many events planned, EPAWE would not have flourished as it has in southeastern Pennsylvania. A big THANK YOU to Melissa and Kate for all you do!!!