Committee Reports: October 2021

Membership Committee

  • Total members: 1052

         Total Amateur: 634

         Total Junior: 100

         Total Open: 318

  • By Region

         R1: 272 (Amateur 175, Junior 26, Open 71)

         R2: 274 (Amateur 151, Junior 27, Open 96)

         R3: 71 (Amateur 47, Junior 5, Open 19)

         R4: 54 (Amateur 37, Junior 3, Open 14)

         R5: 124 (Amateur 76, Junior 17, Open 31)

         R6: 135 (Amateur 87, Junior 6, Open 42)

         R7: 106 (Amateur 54, Junior 16, Open 36)

         Int: 16 (Amateur 7, Junior 0, Open 9)

  • Total Horses: 2815

  • Total Affiliate Organizations: 30

        R1: 6

        R2: 4

        R3: 2

        R4: 1

        R5: 6

        R6: 7

        R7: 4

By: Mindy Finelli, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

October 13, 2021

We’ve had a strong roster of successful shows for our inaugural year:

Total show licenses issued: 116

Shows held to date: 88

Shows pending: 12

Shows canceled: 16

Show licenses have already been issued for the 2022 season.

Be on the lookout for a revamped Competition Manual based on the upcoming revision to the USAWE Rulebook as well as some changes made to the show structure and reporting requirements. It will be released as soon as possible after the release of the Rulebook.


    By: Jeanne Bond, Competitions Committee Chair

    Rules Committee

    October 13, 2021

    The review of revision 5 of the Rulebook was held the first week in October. Once comments are fully incorporated, it will be submitted to the Board on the 26th of October for final approval. The rules will be released immediately once approval is granted, so stay tuned.

    Licensed Officials Committee

    USAWE currently has:  

    • “S” judges: 5
    • “R” judges: 4
    • “r” judges: 6
    • “L” judges: 6
    • Licensed Technical Delegates: 20

    The LOC will be hosting a webinar on Sunday, November 21, 2021 (2:00 pm pst, 3:00 pm mountain, 4:00 central, 5:00 est). The “Hot Topics- Year End Update” will go over the rule changes that will go into effect on December 1 and other competition issues that the LOC observed over the past year. This webinar is free to all members. Register here, 

    If you are unable to attend the webinar live, please email the LOC for a link to the recording. 

    With the winding down of the Provisional Technical Delegate program, the LOC and LO instructors have been very busy training and licensing PTDs who are transitioning into licensed Technical Delegates.  This is such an important role at competitions and is integral to the smooth running of the shows.  The TDs are there to help, so please utilize them if you have any questions or need clarifications.  

    We are pleased to have Mary Duffy, Alece Ellis, Biddie Lowry and Chris Stanko be the first four to go through the PTD to TD program and join our esteemed Licensed Officials roster.

     Last month we were fortunate to have WAWE and FEI dressage judge, Claudia Matos conduct a webinar for our S, R and r judges where they had the opportunity to ask Claudia questions and go through specific movements in the dressage phase.

    By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

    Elections Commitee

    Elections for the new members of the Board of Directors for USA Working Equitation (USAWE) are almost here! Ballots will be emailed on November 1st.

    WE hope you will take the time to vote in this election. WE have a wonderful list of candidates, all who want to help shape the sport of Working Equitation in this country. WE appreciate all the candidates, members, and volunteers who want to help shape the sport of Working Equitation.

     USAWE 2021 Candidates:


    Kellee Campbell

    Olga Hendrikson



    Karen Boso

    Tisha Kiefer-Reed



    Brittney Flowers

    Heather  Humelbaugh

    Bridgett Klingler



    Chris Stanko



    Kris Blacklock

    Becky Sherven



    Rebecca Algar

    Affiliate Organizations Program Report

    I’m pleased to report that we had our first Quarterly AO Networking Hour Zoom meeting this month.  It was well attended.  These meetings are a great opportunity for our Affiliate Organization (AO) members to receive encouragement, build friendships, share ideas, ask questions, and be a part of building a robust and rewarding aspect of USAWE.  AOs play an important role in helping grow the sport of Working Equitation in the United States.  Providing opportunities such as the Quarterly AO Networking Hour is one way USAWE supports its AOs. 

    Are you interested in promoting the sport of Working Equitation in your local area? 

    Did you know that individuals, as well as groups, can qualify as an Affiliate Organization? 

    The USAWE Affiliate Organization Program is here to help you!

    Contact:  Kristine Strasburger, (208) 818-0400,

    Awards Committee

    The Awards Committee continues to work hard to bring you all of the leaderboards and rankings that make your hard-earned show points worth it at the end of the year! We are very grateful for the patience and grace everyone has offered us as we perfect the awards system. As we draw close to the end of the year, we ask that you please check your results on the leaderboards sooner rather than later. The sooner we are able to correct results, the quicker after the close of the season we can name our winners!

    We have put together some interesting statistics on the season thus far. Please note that these statistics are as of October 10th. 

    • We have seen 1289 rides performed by 573 unique horse and rider competitor combinations
    • Of those 573 competitors, we have had 62 Youth, 296 Amateur, and 215 Open riders
    • L1 leads the way in ride count with 551 rides, truly demonstrating how many people are getting involved in our sport from the ground level up. 

    We need your help! If you like spreadsheets, process management, or just enjoy celebrating riders in Working Equitation, please contact Erin at to learn more about joining our Awards Committee. 

     Finally, it is not too late to sponsor a breed award! Breed award sponsorships will close when the season ends, but you have until then to submit your breed award sponsorship and reward riders and horses representing your favorite breed. Please reach out to for more information.

    Competitors please start checking your results on the national leaderboards. The end of show season is approaching and any corrections should be sent to


    Communications & Publications Committee

    Projects underway:

    • Website improvements – we are constantly making changes to make our website more user-friendly and helpful.  Added a blog element to feature the newsletter and reports. 

    • USAWE Brochures – ordered – will be available for distribution soon.
    • Social Media – new logos have been designed for the Regional Facebook pages.  Working on putting together a posting team and process for more up-to-date information
    • e-News – new layout and design launched.  Synchronized with blog on website.
    • Welcome Packets – developing welcome packets for new Board and Committee members, new USAWE members and new Affiliate Organizations.
    • Branding and Style Guide – developed and now working on disseminating the USAWE Brand style guide.
    • Cover and spine artwork for Licensed Officials Rules Book – will be ready for the upcoming competition year.

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