Committee Reports: November 2021

Membership Committee

  • Total members: 1052

         Total Amateur: 634

         Total Junior: 100

         Total Open: 318

  • By Region

         R1: 272 (Amateur 175, Junior 26, Open 71)

         R2: 274 (Amateur 151, Junior 27, Open 96)

         R3: 71 (Amateur 47, Junior 5, Open 19)

         R4: 54 (Amateur 37, Junior 3, Open 14)

         R5: 124 (Amateur 76, Junior 17, Open 31)

         R6: 135 (Amateur 87, Junior 6, Open 42)

         R7: 106 (Amateur 54, Junior 16, Open 36)

         Int: 16 (Amateur 7, Junior 0, Open 9)

  • Total Horses: 2815

  • Total Affiliate Organizations: 30

        R1: 6

        R2: 4

        R3: 2

        R4: 1

        R5: 6

        R6: 7

        R7: 4

By: Mindy Finelli, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

We’ve had a strong roster of successful shows for our inaugural year:

Total show licenses issued: 116

Shows held to date: 88

Shows pending: 12

Shows canceled: 16

Show licenses have already been issued for the 2022 season.

Be on the lookout for a revamped Competition Manual based on the upcoming revision to the USAWE Rulebook as well as some changes made to the show structure and reporting requirements. It will be released as soon as possible after the release of the Rulebook.

By: Jeanne Bond, Competitions Committee Chair

Rules Committee


Ninety rule change proposals later, countless hours of emails and discussion by the Rules Committee, a thorough review by the review team and the final approval by the board and we have Version 5 of the United States Rules for Working Equitation ready to go! The updated rules can be found on the website:
The new rules go into effect on December 1, 2021. The rule book has been broken down by section – the first section, U.S. Rules for Working Equitation provides a summary table of the rule changes and the relevant section of the rule book. 

Licensed Officials Committee

USAWE currently has:

  • “S” judges: 4
  • “R” judges: 4
  • “r” judges: 6
  • “L” judges: 6
  • Licensed Technical Delegates: 20

The LOC will be hosting a webinar on Sunday, November 21, 2021 (2:00 pm pst, 3:00 pm mountain, 4:00 central, 5:00 est). The Hot Topics-Year End Update will go over the rule changes that will go into effect on December 1 and other competition issues that the LOC observed over the past year. This webinar is free to all members. Register here, 

If you are unable to attend the webinar live, please email the LOC for a link to the recording. 

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Affiliate Organizations Program Report

In October, November and December of 2020 USAWE had 15 Affiliate Organizations join.  This was a really great start!
So far in 2021, we have added 18 more, bringing our total to 34 (possibly 35 by the time this is published.)  That’s amazing!  But we still have some states without a single AO.  They are:  Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.
If you live in one of these states, would you consider bring Working Equitation a little closer to home?  Would you like some help and support doing that?  Come to the next Affiliate Organization Quarterly Networking Hour Zoom meeting and see what being an AO is all about!  January 11, 2022 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Pacific Time
These meetings are a great opportunity for our Affiliate Organization (AO) members to receive encouragement, build friendships, share ideas, ask questions, and be a part of building a robust and rewarding aspect of USAWE.  AOs play an important role in helping grow the sport of Working Equitation in the United States.  Providing opportunities such as the Quarterly AO Networking Hour is one way USAWE supports its AOs.
Are you interested in promoting the sport of Working Equitation in your local area?
Did you know that individuals, as well as groups, can qualify as an Affiliate Organization?  What questions do you have?
The USAWE Affiliate Organization Program is here to help you!
Contact:  Kristine Strasburger, (208) 818-0400,

By: Kristine Strasburger, Affliliations Organizations Committee

Ethics Committee Report

Licensed Officials and Board Positions

USAWE is closing in on its first anniversary as an organization.  In that year, somewhere around 100 shows with thousands of rides will have occurred.  This could not be done without the support of the membership, from helping to set up obstacles to serving on committees and boards, to the licensed officials who spend many hours learning their craft to ensure that shows are run fairly and consistently around the country.  Because of the passion people have for the sport, many people volunteer to take on multiple roles in the organization to help the organization and sport grow.
Recently, some members have asked whether Licensed Officials could serve on the Board of Directors while still performing duties as a Licensed Official.  A review of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Policies & Procedures was performed to investigate the question.  The review of these documents did not reveal any restrictions or violations related to a person being a Board member and serving as a Licensed Official.  Any person choosing to serve on the Board of Directors and as a Licensed Official are required to sign the Code of Conduct for Officers and Directors and the Code of Ethics for Licensed Officials and are bound by the contents of both documents.
While the example above referred to Licensed Officials becoming a Board Member, the same would be true of any individual who served in a combination of Board Member, Committee Member, Licensed Official or Coach.
In summary, the Ethics Committee finds no issue with a Licensed Official serving as a Board Member. 


By: Ethics Committee

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