Mary Young

Mary Young, R2 Director


Mary Young

Like many a young girl, I always loved horses but I grew up in Alaska where that possibility was scarce so when we moved down to the lower 48 and I made a friend in 4-H with a lovely patient QH mare to learn on I became properly obsessed with my lifelong addiction!
I was quickly introduced to different disciplines, from 4-H obstacle playdays to the whooping and cheering flash of A-circuit Arabian shows where I rode, hunter, saddle seat and western classes and soon earned the nick “Guppy” competing against the professional  “sharks” in the open classes because I didn’t know the designations for junior or amateur applied to my 13y old self.

After spending my teens delving deeply into classical dressage and training reining horses to save for college I traveled cross country to earn dual degrees in Equine Business Management and International Business in Rhode Island, met a cute boy, go married and kept up this dressage thing including taking a year sabbatical to work completely on myself, working more deeply on my seat and dressage training.  Over the years I’ve watched from a distance thinking Working Equitation sure did look like a blast but thinking I didn’t have the right horses or experiences to try it.

When I moved to San Diego and rehabbed high end jumpers while trying to find the best place to land I still watched WE videos and didn’t realize I was standing in one of the most active regions in the states!  When I found out you best bet I jumped in all the way, borrowing a clients lovely Lusitano and starting out our first show fairly embarrassingly not being able to complete many of the obstacles we’d practiced to perfection at home! But hey! It’s not a matter of if but when you DQ right? Having gotten that one out of the way we plowed on, learned, pestered lots of trainers, learned, pestered more competitors and show secretaries and learned more. Now you couldn’t drag me out of this wonderful sport!

Mary Young Region 2 Director
Mary Young Region 2 Director
Mary Young, R2 Director

Working Equitation is fantastic for developing communication and harmony with your equine partner. I love that it rewards an exceptional relationship between horse and rider while acknowledging the working horses and here in the States we have an amazing breadth of working horse history from the mounted infantry, to the cowboy. Plus Working Equitation is just a blast and the supportive amazing group of competitors and members we have in USAWE make it like a big family!

My classical dressage and western backgrounds found a happy place together here and my horses are braver, more supple, athletic and trusting while I challenge myself daily to be more subtle, quiet and the best leader I can be for my pony partners.

I primarily work out of Poway in San Diego, as a full time trainer, coach, and clinician focused on enhancing the connection between horse and rider.   Currently I’m sleep deprived and running on caffeine and peppermints, nursing my new ulcer friends and dealing with a grumpy pear with legs also known as my pregnant mare. While I wait for my next little WE star to make their grand appearance in the world and let me breathe again I’m so excited to be the new interim Region 2 director!

Mary Young is currently serving as Region 2 Director. Her term runs through November 2024. She is also an L Judge Candidate.

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USA Working Equitation
Mary Young, R2 Director
Mary Young Region 2 Director
Mary Young Region 2 Director
Mary Young, R2 Director
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